Mathematisches Kolloquium
The Mathematical Colloquium is a joint scientific event of the entire mathematics professors of the Faculty of Mathematics and Economics. The speakers are internationally renowned experts. The topics of the colloquia are current research areas in mathematics and provide insights into different parts of mathematics. It is important that the lectures are designed for a broad mathematical audience so that all members of the faculty, especially young scientists and students, can benefit from them.
The colloquium usually takes place on Friday at 10:30, at Helmholtzstrasse 18, room 220.
Prof. Dr. Jan Beyersmann
Helmholtzstraße 20 E.44
89081 Ulm
e-mail: jan.beyersmann(at)
phone: (+49) 731/ 50 33100
Archive Mathematical Colloquium
date | time | presenter | Invited institute |
28th of June | 10:15 | Prof. Dr. Ilya Molchanov (University of Bern) | Institute of Stochastics |
31st of May | 14:30 | A/Prof. Daniel Daners (Universität Sydney) | Institute of Applied Analysis |
26th of April | 14:30 | Prof. Dr. Christoph Thäle (Universität Bochum) | Institute of Stochastics |
Date | time | presenter | |
2024_02_02 | 10:15 | the doctoral program Data Science and Analytics (University of Ulm) Abhinav Das: Optimal Control of an Electricity Storage |
Date | time | presenter | |
11.11.22 | 14:30 | Prof. Dr. Massimo Fornasier (TU München) Consensus Based-Optimization | |
02.12.22 | 14:30 | Prof. Dr. Thomas Kruse (Universität Gießen)
(Abstract) | |
16.12.22 | 14:30 | Dr. Matthias Neumann (Universität Ulm) Data-driven stochastic 3D nanostructure modeling for virtual materials testing of battery materials | |
13.01.23 | 14:30 | Prof. Martin Plenio (Universität Ulm) Grundlagen der Resourcentheorien (Abstract) |
20.01.23 | 14:30 | Prof. Dr. Jacobo Torán (Universität Ulm) Some connections between proof complexity and graph theory (Abstract) |
date | time | presenter | Invited institute |
29.04.22 | --- | Graduation ceremony | |
06.05.22 | 14:30 | Prof. Dr. Ingo Steinwart (Uni Stuttgart) Abstract | Inst. Ang. Analysis |
20.05.22 | 14:30 | Prof.Dr. Christian Klingenberg (Uni Würzburg) | Inst. Ang. Analysis |
01.07.22 | 14:30 | Prof.Dr. Antje Hahn (Hochschule Darmstadt) Abstract | Inst. für Statistik |
15.07.22 | 14:30 | Prof.Dr. Reinhard Hochmuth (Uni Hannover) und Frau Laura Burr (Uni Ulm) | Inst. Ang. Analysis |
date | time | presenter | Invited institute |
5.11.21 | 14:30 | Prof. Dr. Michael Vogt (Uni Ulm) Tuning Parameter Calibration and Inference for the Lasso | Inst. Ang. Analysis |
10.12.21 | 14:30 | Priv.Doz.Dr. Imma Curato (Uni Ulm) Light cones and suprevised learning prediction tasks | Inst. Ang. Analysis |
14.1.22 | 14:30 | Prof. Dr. Jakob Runge (DLR, TU Berlin) Causal inference and causal discovery (with perspectives in Earthe sciences) | Doktoranden der Mathematik |
28.1.22 | 14:30 | Prof. Dr. Gitta Kutyniok (LMU München) The Mathematics of Deep Learning | Doktoranden der Mathematik |
Datum | Uhrzeit | Vortragender | Einladendes Institut |
28.05.2021 | 14.30 | Gabriel Peyré, CNRS and Ecole Normale Supérieure Scaling Optimal Transport for High dimensional Learning | Doktoranden der Mathematik |
18.06.2021 | 14:30 | Prof.Dr. Henning Bruhn-Fujimoto Super-resolution in der Mikro-Röntgenfluoreszenzanalyse | Institut für Angewandte Analysis |
Datum | Uhrzeit | Vortragender | Einladendes Institut |
11.12.2020 | 14:30 | Prof. Dr. Nelly Litvak, University of Twente and Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands Ranking of nodes in large radom networks | Doktoranden der Mathematik |
22.01.2021 | 14:30 | Dr. Tim Laux, Institute for Applied Mathematics, University of Bonn The Allen-Cahn equations and mean curvature flow | Institut von Analysis, Institut von Angewandte Analysis |
29.01.2021 | 14.30 | Prof. Dr. Jeroen Sijsling, Institut für Algebra und Zahlentheorie, Universität Ulm Datenbanken von Kurven und Modularität | Dekanat |
05.02.2021 | 14:30 | Prof. Dr. Christian Hirsch, University of Groningen The persistence diagram: A tool for spatial statistics at many scales | Doktoranden der Mathematik |
Datum | Uhrzeit | Vortragender | Einladendes Institut |
10.07.2020 | 14:30 | Prof. Dr. Tilmann Gneiting (Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies) Erfolge und Grenzen der Wettervorhersage - eine mathematische Perspektive | Doktoranden der Mathematik |
Datum | Uhrzeit | Vortragender | Einladendes Institut |
25.10.19 | 14:30 | Prof. Dr. phil. Martin Poppe (Fachhochschule Münster) Towards a better understanding of electromagnetic fields | Doktoranden der Mathematik |
08.11.19 | 14:30 | Dr. Sarat Moka (University of Queensland, Brisbane)
(Abstract) | Institut für Stochastik |
22.11.19 | 14:30 | Prof. Dr. Folkmar Bornemann (Technische Universität München) Finite Size Effects: Random Matrices, Quantum Chaos and Riemann Zeros | Institut für Numerik |
6.12.19 | 14:30 | Dr. James Kennedy (Universidade de Lisboa) The Shape of Sound (Abstract) | Doktoranden der Mathematik |
17.01.20 | 14:30 | Prof. Dr. Gianluca Crippa (Universität Basel) How to optimally stir your coffee: Challenges in differential equations (Abstract) | Institut für Angewandte Analysis |
31.01.20 | 14:30 | Dr. Stefan Glock (University of Birmingham/ ETH Zürich) High-Dimensional Equipartitions - how a blend of algebraic, combinatorial and probabilistic methods solved a 150 year old maths problem (Abstract) | Doktoranden der Mathematik |