Eingeladene Keynote-Vortrag auf der IC3K 2020

Universität Ulm

Manfred Reichert war eingeladener Keynotesprecher der 12th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K). Die IC3K sollte ursprünglich vom 2. – 4. November 2020 in Budapest stattfinden, wurde aufgrund der Pandemiesituation nun aber als Online-Konferenz organisiert.

In seinem Keynote-Vortrag gab Prof. Reichert facettenreiche Einblicke in die am DBIS entwickelten Prozess-Management-Technologien. Dabei ging er insbesondere auf den Übergang von traditionellen (d.h. aktivitätszentrierten) Prozess-Management-Systemen hin zu datengetriebenen und -zentrierten Ansätzen ein. Deren Vor- und Nachteile wurden ebenso diskutiert, wie die sich bietenden Perspektiven für anspruchsvolle Anwendungsbereiche wie Logistik, Gesundheitswesen und Maschinenbau.

Manfred Reichert:
From Activity- to Data-centric Approaches to Business Process Management: Challenges, Technologies, Applications
Eingeladener Keynote-Vortrag auf der IC3K 2020 Konferenz, Budapest, 2. November 2020

Zusammenfassung (in engl.)

The utmost importance of data for knowledge-intensive business processes has led to the emergence of data-centric process management approaches. By tightly integrating process and data, which more or less constitute two sides of the same coin, these approaches differ significantly from the widely used activity-centric process paradigm, aiming at the support of semi- or unstructured processes and offering by far the highest flexibility. The progress of a data-centric process depends on the availability of data rather than on the completion of black-box activities. Moreover, the focus has shifted from large, monolithic processes towards small data-driven processes (e.g., object lifecylces), which are running concurrently, but need to interact with each other to reach a given business goal. The keynote speech will give insights into the evolution from activity- to data-centric business process management (BPM) approaches with a focus on process flexibility issues. Moreover, it will deal with fundamental concepts, features and enabling technologies of data-centric approaches to BPM. Finally, it will discuss how data-driven and data-centric process management approaches open up new avenues with respect to the engineering, automation, and monitoring of large-scale business processes in the era of digitization and Industry 4.0.

Manfred Reichert als Keynote Speaker