
Prof. Mikhail Ivanov: Towards optically-driven topological electronics in two-dimensional materials

Time : Monday , 16:15 Uhr
Organizer : Physikalisches Kolloquium
Location : Online - via Webex,

Prof. Mikhail Ivanov 

Max Born Institute, Berlin

Application of mid-infrared laser fields to dielectrics and semiconductors opens an opportunity for controlling electrons in solids on 1-femtosecond time scale, i.e. at peta-Hertz rates. With the dream of PHz electronics at the background, I will discuss two related topics.

First, I will show how one can use highly nonlinear optical response of two-dimensional materials to mid-IR light to detect topological phase transitions and map out the phase diagram of the canonical Haldane model of a topological 2D material.


Second, I will show how one can use tailored light fields to induce topological phase transition in conventional, real-life 2D materials such as hexagonal Boron Nitride, and use this ability for strong-field valleytronics, both injecting electrons in a desired valley and reading out signatures of valley-selective excitations at PHz rates.


Organisation: Prof. Dr. F. Jelezko, Tel. 23750

Host: Prof. Ankerhold, Tel. 22831, off.: 22830