Overview for students in computer science programs
The university's general framework, a link to the examination regulations and the current study plans can be found here (mostly in German) and here.
Module descriptions (sometimes called module handbook genannt) can be browsed in the LSF.
Direkt links: Bachelor Computer Science, Bachelor Media Informatics, Bachelor Software Engineering, Master Computer Science, Master Media Informatics, Master Software Engineering, Master Cognitive Systems.
The current curricular timetables can be found here.
At the Math Training Camp (Link) you can refresh your math skills before starting at Ulm University.
Our dean's slides for the first semester welcoming event (German only) can be found here: Bachelor Master.
Information on Applied Subjects in the computer science program are found here.
Information on proseminars and seminars is summed up here. There you will also find a link to the seminar distribution system.
Additive key qualifications can be aquired at the Humboldt Centre for Philosophy and Humanities or the Centre for Languages and Philology (Link).
The Campus Online System (link) is used to manage students and courses.
The university's Moodle system (link) is used by many lecturers to organize their courses and distribute course material.
Das Examination Planning System (link) provides an overview of upcoming examinations.
When looking for a room or lecture hall, the classroom/lecture hall finder (link) might be useful.
This overview shows which rooms in O27 are currently not occupied and can be used as a learning room.
Lecture notes can be printed with the Lecture Notes Printing System (link). With the service group's Print System (link) you can inspect the current print queue or your print quota.
Job offers within the university are advertised in the Hiwibörse (link).
The current canteen menu (link).
The Studierendenwerk (Link) offers services in the areas of finances, housing and counselling.
The Bafög/Sozial-Referat (Link) provides information on ways to finance your studies.
The International Office (Link) advises on topics around studying abroad.
Students are organized in the Fachschaft computer science (Link) and in the StuVe (Student Representation - Link).
Prof. Dr. Timo Ropinski is the current dean for the programs Computer Science, Media Informatics and Software Engineering. Prof. Dr. Heiko Neumann is the current dean for the Cognitive Systems program.
Dr. Markus Maucher is the academic advisor for the programs Computer Science, Media Informatics and Cognitive Systems. Dr. Alexander Raschke is the academic advisor for the Software Engineering program.
For advice on topics not related to computer science you can consult the central student advisory services (Link).
For advice on psychic and social problems, please contact the psychosocial counseling service (Link).
Further contacts can be found here.