Approval and classification of courses

Approval of courses is the procedure of adding modules, coursesm exams et cetera from other universities and (higher) educational institutions to your transcript of records towards your degree at the university of Ulm, the exact conditions can be found in §19 of the framework of regulations. Courses and Modules from other programmes at the University of Ulm may also be approved as equivalent to modules in our programmes (say Höhere Mathematik I für Physiker and Analysis I).

Classification of modules means the addition of modules from other programmes at the university of Ulm to the module book of our programmes. In consequence of this these  modules become available in the programme (say a module from Economics may become available to students of Mathematics and Economics as a compulsory elective module).

Application for recognition of examination results

The recognition of an exam result at another university has to be done individually for each exam. In each application for recognition it has to be stated as which equivalent achievement the exam result is to be recognized. Please use this form (pdf). Please include supporting documents such as Transcript of Records, module descriptions, learning agreements and grading schemes for foreign universities. If you want to have recognized more than one exam use this form for further pages (pdf).

Once you have the documents ready, please contact the appropriate person indicated in the column on the right including the complete information on the course(s) such as amount of hours and credit points, complete description of contents or module description, certification of the examination including grade or points reached of total points or percentage or a learning agreement as well as a declaration in what field (such as Stochastics or Algebra) the course should be approved.

Please note, that the request must be filed within one semester after enrolment or six months after studying abroad, respectively.

Approval of courses at the university of Ulm

Modules or exams from other degree programmes at the university of Ulm may be approved as equivalent to modules or exams in the bachelor or master programmes in Mathematics, Mathematics and Economics or Finance or added to the programmes (see below). Please send an email to Dr. Liebezeit or use his office hours, respectively.

Recognition of additional subjects

For the recognition of additional subjects from the Master programme, attended in the Bachelor programme at Ulm University, an informal application at the registrar’s office is sufficient.

For the recognition of additional subjects, not yet listed in the module book of the chosen Master programme, please send an e-mail with all necessary information (study programme, exam and module number, name of the exam which is to be recognized, term in which the exam has been completed) to the contact person of the examination board.

Classification of exams and modules

Some modules or exams from other degree programmes, which are not listed in the module book of one's own programme, may be added if applicable to the module book and thus become part of the programme. For this classification please use this form.

Please take care of these kind of situations at the beginning of the semester to avoid complications due to lack of time or disappointments when a module cannot be added.

Some general rules apply (without guarantee of classification!):

  • Finance (M. Sc.): See Curriculum Finance.
  • Mathematics (B. Sc./M. Sc.): See regulations for minor subjects.
  • Mathematical Biometry (B. Sc./M. Sc.)
    • Life sciences: modules from life sciences.
    • Computer Science: modules from computer science at the same level (BSc/MSc) for computer science students.
  • Mathematics and Management (B. Sc./M. Sc.)
    • Economics: modules from economics at the same level (BSc/MSc) for economics students. No seminars from economics may be taken as compulsory elective modules.
    • Computer Science: modules from computer science at the same level for computer science students.

Apart from the modules of the minor subjects in Mathematics this is actually a task of the study commission and is included here for informational purposes only.