Student Administration and Examinations Office - Responsibilities

Director Christiane Westhauser|Room 2202/M23

Fundamental issues of study and examination administration and management
IT-coordination for the department

Objections against decisions of Ulm University in study and examination law

Legal advice for faculties in creating examination regulations

Presenting the department online


CMS Student administration and Examination administration


Stand-in: Florian Meißle

Florian Meißle|room 2206/M23

Deputy Director

CMS Student administration and Examination administration

Coordination "Service Point"


Stand-in: Christiane Westhauser

Leonie Babutzka|Room 2206/M23

Responsible official for modelling examination regulations

Stand-in: Lisa Horn

Elsa Besler|Room 2201/M23

Process optimization HISinOne Student administration and Examination administration

Project development and documentation

Documentation and record of the results for the introduction of HISinOne Student administration and Examination administration

Christoph Burkhard|Room 224/M24

Responsible official for study administration and organisation of state examinations for the study programme Medicine

Admission and distribution procedure Practical Year

Responsible official for study and examinations administration of the following study programmes

Advanced Oncology

Molecular and Translational Neuroscience

Molecular Medicine


Stand-in: Evelin Dempf

Evelin Dempf|Room 225/M24

Responsible official for study administration of the state examinations for the study programme Dentistry

Responsible official for the study and examinations administration of the following study programmes

Industrial Biotechnology

Pharmaceutical Biotechnology


Stand-in: Christoph Burkhard

Cornelia Drechsler/Sandra Händel|Room 2207/M23

Responsible officials for study and examination administration of the following study programmes


Mathematical Data Science

Computational Science and Engineering


Mathematical Biometry

Mathematics and Management

Teacher education programme Bachelor/Master

Cornelia Drechsler: CMS Student administration

Lena Neuburger|Room 2204/M23

Responsible official for study and examination administration of the following study programmes

Economics and Management

Sustainable Management

Business Computing


Stand-in: Julia Neugebauer

Lisa Horn|Room 2204/M23

Responsible official for study and examination administration of the following study programmes
Quantum Engineering

Responsible official for modelling examinations regulations
CMS Student administration

Stand-in: Leonie Babutzka

Peggy Leupold|Room 226/M24

Responsible official for study and examination administration of the following study programmes

Computer Science

Artificial Intelligence

Media Informatics

Software Engineering


Volunteer Activities Certificates

Stand-in: Jennifer Schmid

Sarah Nejedli|Room 2205/M23

Responsible official for study and examination administration of the following study programmes


Biomedical Engineering

Communications and Computer Engineering

Communication and Information Technology

Electrical Engineering and Information Technology

Energy Science and Technology

Science and Technology


Stand-in: Stephanie Wohletz

Julia Neugebauer|Room 2203/M23

Responsible official for study and examination administration of the following study programmes


Chemistry and Management

Chemical Engineering


Physics and Management

Orientation semester


Stand-in: Lena Neuburger

Jennifer Schmid|Room 226/M24

Responsible official for study and examination administration of the following study programmes

Cognitive Systems


Linguistic and regional studies preparatory semester


Stand-in: Peggy Leupold

Stephanie Wohletz|Room 2205/M23

Responsible official for study and examination administration of the following study programmes



Actuarial Sciences 

Business Analytics

Innovation and Science Management

Sensor Systems Technology

Instructional Design

Biopharmazeutisch-Medizintechnische Wissenschaften

Stand-in: Sarah Nejedli

Student Administration and
Examinations Office

Universitaet Ulm
89069 Ulm
Fax: +49 (0)731/50-12-22058 and 12-31185

Street address:
Universitaet Ulm
Albert-Einstein-Allee 11
89081 Ulm

Opening Hours of the Student Administration and Examinations Office
Tuesday and Thursday 9 am - 11.30 am
Tuesday 2 pm - 3.3 pm

Service Point Application and Studies
telephone number: +49 (0)731/50-24444

Since 01.04.2023 you can reach our Service Point:

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
9 am - 1 pm

9 am - 12 am

Availability by phone might be limited during our opening hours (see below).

Please send your e-mails to the responsible offical to:

Opening hours:

Tuesday and Thursday:
9 am - 11:30 am
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Monday, Wednesday and Friday closed

You can find us at Uni Ost in M 23 und M 24 (ground floor) next to the northern entrance


Briefkästen des Studiensekretariats/Letter Box of the Student Administration and Examinations Office

can be found in the north entrance of building M24

- outside the entrance (grey letter box)
- in door of M24/room 224
- in door of M23/room 2207
- in M23 between the doors of 2202 und 2203