Die interne Akkreditierungskommission der Universität Ulm, als beratende Kommission des Senats, prüft die Wirkung des QM-Systems auf die Fachcluster bzw. Studiengänge und die darauf beruhende Empfehlung über die interne (Re)-Akkreditierung der Fachcluster bzw. Studiengänge der Universität Ulm sowie die Erfüllung der ausgesprochenen Auflagen in diesem Zusammenhang.


Prof. Dr. Irene Bouw

Hochschullehrerinnen und Hochschullehrer

Prof. Dr. Bernhard Eikmanns
Prof. Dr. Steffen Just
Prof. Dr. Birte Glimm

Akademische Beschäftigte

Dr. Hartmut Lanzinger


Florian Feuchtmayr
Isabella Vogg

zur Akkreditierungskommission


Central committees and commissions

The Commission 'Responsibility in the Conduct of Science' investigates accusations of misconduct in science.


Prof. Dr. Florian Steger


University Professors

Prof. Dr. Heribert Anzinger
Prof. Dr. Cornelia Herbert
Prof. Dr. Huber-Lang
Prof. Dr. Anita Marchfelder
Prof. Dr. Florian Steger

Academic Staff

apl. Prof. Dr. Christine Kranz

Other Staff Members

Sylvia Nagel

Doctoral Candidates

Sven Fauth


Prof. Dr. Peter Gierschik
Prof. Dr.  Heiko Neumann

'Good Scientific Practice'

The Ethics Committee of Ulm University provides advice on questions of professional ethics and regulations to members of the University as well as those members that work in its academic hospitals and academic training hospitals regarding research projects that involve humans (e.g. clinical studies on medications and medical products, epidemiological studies, research conducted on body materials).


Prof. Dr. Florian Steger


Prof. Dr. Manuela Dudeck
Prof. Dr. Peter Gierschik
Johannes Glembeck
Dr. Susanne Hafner
Prof. Dr. Cornelia Herbert
apl. Prof. Dr. Josef Högel
apl. Prof. Dr. Christian Lenk
apl. Prof. Dr. Lüder-Hinrich Meyer
Prof. Dr. Christian Montag
apl. Prof. Dr. Brigitte Rack
Rosemarie Rau
Prof. Dr. Dietrich Rothenbacher
Prof. Dr. Hubert Schrezenmeier
Kathrin Stascheit
apl. Prof. Dr. Stephan Stilgenbauer
Maria Weixler
PD Dr. Mathias Wittau

Ethics Committee

The Equality Commission contributes as advisory committee of the Senate to the consistent implementation of equal opportunities for women and men and the elimination of existing disadvantages for female academics and students.

Gender Equality Officer

Prof. Dr. Aurelia Peraud

Deputy Gender Equality Officers

Prof. Dr. Anna Dall'Aqua
Prof. Dr. Pamela Fischer-Posovszky
Prof. Dr. Ute Kaiser

Gender Equality Officers of the Faculties

Faculty of Engineering, Computer Sciences and Psychology

Prof. Dr. Cornelia Herbert (Faculty Gender Equality Officer)
Prof. Dr. Jian Xie
Prof. Dr. Friedhelm Schwenker

Faculty of Mathematics and Economics

Prof. Dr. Sandra Ludwig (Faculty Gender Equality Officer)
Prof. Dr. Mathias Klier
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Jeroen Sijsling

Faculty of Natural Sciences

apl. Prof. Dr. Gerhard Taubmann (Faculty Gender Equality Officer)
Dr. Stephanie Wittig-Blaich

Medical Faculty

Prof. Dr. Katharina Hancke (Faculty Gender Equality Officer)
PD Dr. Verena Gaidzik
PD Dr. Susanne Kühl

Student Government

Nico Rixen


Equality Commission

The internal Accreditation Commission, an advisory committee of the Senate, reviews the effect of the QM-system on the subject clusters or courses and the recommendation based on the internal (re-)accreditation, as well as the implementation of the imposed specific requirements in this context.


Prof. Dr. Irene Bouw

University Professors

Prof. Dr. Bernhard Eikmanns
Prof. Dr. Steffen Just
Prof. Dr. Birte Glimm

Academic Staff

Dr. Hartmut Lanzinger


Florian Feuchtmayr
Isabella Vogg

Internal Accreditation Commission



The kiz ommittee advises the Board and the kiz management on cardinal questions concerning the kiz.


Prof. Dr. Joachim Ankerhold

University Professors

Prof. Dr. Henning Bruhn-Fujimoto
Prof. Dr. Robert Fischer
Prof. Dr. Steven Jansen
Prof. Dr. Frank Kargl
Prof. Dr. Hans Kestler

Academic Staff

Dr. Andreas Trasser
apl. Prof. Dr. Ulrich Ziener

Other Staff Members

Carmen Hauser

Doctoral Candidate

Elena Mohr


Tanaro Schädler
Robin Weeber


The Senate Committee for Teaching is an advisory committee of the Senate and discusses questions with direct or indirect implications on the teaching at Ulm University.


Prof. Dr. Dr. Olga Pollatos, Vice President for Teaching

Ex officio members

Prof. Dr. Henning Bruhn-Fujimoto, Dean of Studies for Mathematics and Mathematics and Management
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Kranz, Dean of Studies for Economics
Prof. Dr. Jan Tuckermann, Dean of Studies for Biology
Prof. Dr. Mika Lindén, Dean of Studies for Chemistry
Prof. Dr. Jens Michaelis, Dean of Studies for Physics
Prof. Dr. Timo Ropinski, Dean of Studies for Computer Science
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Herr, Dean of Studies for Electrical Engineering and Communications and Computer Engineering
Prof. Dr. Klaus Melchers, Dean of Studies for Psychology
Prof. Dr. Dr. Daiel Alexander Braun, Dean of Studies for Cognitive Systems
Prof. Dr. Tobias Böckers, Dean of Studies for Human Medicine
Prof. Dr. Bernd Lapatki, Dean of Studies for Dentistry
Prof. Dr. Leda  Dimou-Rörentrop, Dean of Studies for Molecular Medicine
Managing Director of the Centre for Teacher Education

University Professors

Prof. Dr. Leda Dimu
Prof. Dr. Nikola Golenhofen
Prof. Dr. Frankz Hauck
Prof. Dr. Simone Sommer
Prof. Dr. Rico Zacher

Academic staff

Dr. Lena Harwardt
Dr. Michael Lehn

Doctoral Candidates

Annika Schrumpf


Helen Kafka
Emilie Kärcher
Tamaro Schädler
Lukas Schmidt
Mira Seidel
Nick Theilacker

Administrative representative

Rosa-Anna Puccia-Gamarro

The Animal Welfare Committee supports the animal welfare officers with their tasks and provides advice to staff members of the University in regards to animal welfare. The Committee also contributes to the definition of internal work processes to ensure the welfare of test animals and monitors the development and results of animal experiments in consideration of their effects on the animals involved.


Dr. Andreas Wortmann


Dr. Inken Beck, Head of Tierforschungszentrum
Dr. Andreas Wortmann, Animal Welfare Officer
Dr. Svenja Stein, Animal Welfare Officer
Dr. Friederike Christ, Animal Welfare Officer
Dr. Annika Herrmann-Janson, Animal Welfare Officer
Michaela Gaum, Animal Caretaker
Dr. Andre Lechel, academic user