Welcome to the “StudienLernWerkstatt”

Ready to go at Ulm University!

You are keen to make a successful start to your studies and meet other students quickly?! Here are the right offers for you: Thanks to our group programmes with a fun factor, procrastination, tight learning schedules or a lack of structure will soon be a thing of the past! During the transition from school to university, we provide you with plenty of inspiration to help you quickly find your own best study rhythm. Please drop by.

Quality, not quantity! ***New offers will be updated soon***

Also in the winter semester 2024 Ulm University offers students this platform to support and guide all new students in their personal and professional development right from the start of their studies.. Alongside the traditional programme content, you will find numerous support offers that build a valuable bridge between school and university, especially in the introductory phase, and ensure a successful start to your studies.

The following offers are available to students in their first semesters. However, higher semesters, master's students or doctoral candidates can also enquire about available places and take part if interested.

Offers of support accompanying your studies

Study skills

Short description: In this seminar, we will look at methods of time management and self-organisation, as well as the psychological mechanisms behind blockages and procrastination. You will learn how emotion and cognition interact, what motivation consists of and how habits can be used to achieve our goals. With this insight, you will be able to better observe your own actions, optimise your use of resources and develop your own approaches based on the strategies presented. We will discuss how to achieve a good balance between study or work and life - also when working from home.
In addition to theoretical input, we work individually, in small groups and jointly.

Date: One-day on-site intensive course
Saturday, 27 April 2024 9:00 to  17:30 

including lunch break
Location: Seminar rooms in the student residence (house C) in Manfred-Börner-Straße 5

Instructor: Yolanda Mateos, university lecturer, study and career counselor, systemic coach and career counselor, exam and performance anxiety coach (PAC® certificate)
Registration: Studierendenwerk UlmRegistration form and further information
This course takes place in cooperation with university sports.

Short description: We ask ourselves many questions about learning: How does my brain learn? What favours and what hinders learning processes? Where do learning blockages come from? What are my learning goals? How do I get an overview? Where do I need detailed knowledge? How do I create a study plan? Which repetition intervals are most effective? What role does my previous experience play? How can I prepare for my exams? How can I develop my study skills for the future? We take a close look at learning techniques and introduce you to other tried and tested methods. In addition to theoretical input, we work individually, in small groups and jointly.

Date: One-day on-site intensive course
Saturday, 11. May 2024 9:00 to 17:30 
including lunch break

Location: Seminar rooms in the student residence (house C) in Manfred-Börner-Straße 5
Contact person: pbs@studierendenwerk-ulm.de
Registration: Studierendenwerk UlmRegistration form and further information 
This course takes place in cooperation with university sports.

Title Learning strategies and working techniques during studies
24/7 on Moodle 
Contact person:


Title: Learning aids and study facilitators (by students for students)
24/7 on Moodle 
Contact person:


Short description: This workshop focusses on the integration of artifical intelligence (AI) into your studies. Participants will learn how to AI can effectively support teaching and learning while discussing the challenges an solutions in this area. The main objective of the lecture is to provide participants with sound theoretical knowledge about learning skills and AI competences required for the successful use of AI tools. In this interactive worklshop, th focus is on learning techniques for using AI applications such as ChatGPT. This enables participants to develope their own creative ideas for the use of AI in their educational context. A GDPR-compliant ChatGPT4 will be provided so that participants can activetly work with the AI without entering personal data. There will be ample opportunity for a lively exchange between participants to discuss how these new practical skills can be used effectively in your studies.   

Date: 15 May 2024
Time: 2pm to 5pm
Location: Barbara Mez-Starck-Haus, Seminar room 3. level, Oberberghof 7, 89081 Ulm 
Places: 30
Bring along: Internet-enabled device (tablet, notebook, smartphone if necessary), Wifi available 
Lecturer: Dr. Patrick Albus, Institut Lehr-Lernforschung UUlm 
Registration required at: zentralestudienberatung(at)uni-ulm.de

Personal development

Short description: When the pressure of time and exams leaves your nerves "on edge", best be able to quickly and easily find a good mental balance or, even better, to stay in it. In the seminar, you will learn about the relaxation method of autogenic training. Immediate and lasting relaxation effects are achieved by experiencing body awareness and reflecting on the experiences in the group. Concentrative movement therapy (CBT ®) is used to complement autogenic training. Regular use helps to achieve lasting benefits, such as greater composure in exam situations and in everyday life, better memorisation of what has been learned and increased concentration and performance.

Please come in comfortable clothing and bring a blanket, a small cushion and writing materials.

Date: Two-day on-site intensive course
Friday 7  June 2024 15:00 to 19:00

Samstag 9 June 2024 09:30 to 13:30
Location: Seminar rooms in the student residence (house C) in Manfred-Börner-Straße 5 
Contact person: pbs@studierendenwerk-ulm.de
Registration: Studierendenwerk UlmRegistration form and further information
This course takes place in cooperation with university sports.

Short description: In this seminar, we want to create a safe space to talk about stress, pressure to perform and anxiety. You will learn how exam anxiety arises, what it is good for and how it can be overcome using self-regulation and effective techniques. You will learn to better understand your reactions and emotions and to influence them with new thought and action patterns. By drawing on your inner resources, you will develop your own strategies for dealing confidently with exam situations and presentations. And last but not least, effective exam preparation will help you get through upcoming exams with less stress. We also explore the best way to prepare for presentations.
In addition to theoretical input, we work individually, in small groups and jointly. Confidential one-to-one sessions are also possible.

Date: Two-day on-site intensive course

Friday, 31 May 2024 17:00 to 20:15 

Saturday, 1 June 2024 9:30 to 16:30

Location: Seminar rooms in the student residence (house C) in Manfred-Börner-Straße 5 
Contact person: pbs@studierendenwerk-ulm.de
Registration: Studierendenwerk UlmRegistration form and further information 
This course takes place in cooperation with university sports.

Short description: Stress, crises and demanding situations put the body on alert. This can lead to mental overload and have a negative impact on physical and mental health. Those who are able to face crises or prolonged stress with confidence have a high level of resilience. This ability to deal with challenges is not innate but can be trained. The course teaches proven techniques for coping with stress and difficult life situations using the building blocks of resilience and active countermeasures using relaxation techniques.

Please wear comfortable clothing and bring your own cushions and blankets.

Date: 6 Dates: 
wednesday von 14.15 - 15-45 Uhr (90 minutes)
1. Termin 17.04.2024
2. Termin 24.04.2024
3. Termin 08.05.2024
4. Termin 15.05.2024
5. Temin 05.06.2024 
6. Termin 12.06.2024 
Location: to be announced
Contact person: pbs(at)studierendenwerk-ulm.de
Registration: Studierendenwerk UlmRegistration and further information 
This course takes place in cooperation with university sports.

Short description: How do I manage to balance my studies and leisure time? This is not always easy. When is enough enough? How can I really switch off after studying? And in which phases of my studies should I switch on the turbo? How can I build up enough motivation and resilience to power through the difficult phases? And how do I recognise when it's okay to switch off? This and much more is discussed in this workshop. There is also enough time and space to deal with individual problems.

Date: 5 June 2024
Time: 16-18:00 Uhr
Location: via Zoom


Meeting-ID: 683 0922 0661
Code: 81774170

Registration is not required, but welcome at: zentralestudienberatung(at)uni-ulm.de


Short description: We make decisions every day. Some are easy, others are particularly difficult. In the course of our studies, questions such as “Am I still in the right place? Should I continue my studies?” or “Should I take this exam now?”
So what can you do when you have doubts and where do they actually come from? Are there any tricks or tools that can help you make decisions? This and much more will be discussed in this workshop.

Date: July 24 2024
Time: 4pm to 6pm
Location: via Zoom


Meeting-ID: 662 9789 0021
Code: 54190132

Registration is not required, but welcome at: zentralestudienberatung(at)uni-ulm.de


Working academically

Short description:

  • How do you write scientific texts?
  • How do you research efficiently in specialised databases?
  • How do you access the full texts of the search results?
  • How do you organise and manage literature for later use in texts?

Availability: 24/7 



Registration/contact person: Service point Information | kiz | Central Library, +49 (0)731 50 15544

Short description: In this course, we will show you how to use the library's collections (print and online) and other services. The course consists of two parts.

  • Guided tour of the library on site in the Central Library (meeting point foyer)
  • Materials for self-study

Dates and materials: 



Registration/contact person: Service point Information | kiz | Central Library, +49 (0)731 50 15544


Short description: The kiz services from A for Account to W for WiFi:
In three to four minutes each we show you how something works, what you need to look out for and give you tips and assistance

Video tutorial

Offers of the subjects

A lot of input, you haven't yet finished any of the worksheets and it's already time for a new topic?! Don't panic! The individual subjects and subject areas at Ulm University offer first-semester students special formats to help them apply their new knowledge directly in so-called “Übungsblätter” (worksheets) or seminar papers. Whether it's the Learning Lounge, MathLab, Mentoring or Tutoring - there's something for every type of learner and you can quickly connect with fellow students and the subject matter! Because learning in groups and with support is doubly motivating and quickly leads to the desired success!

Faculty of Engineering, Computer Sciences and Psychology

Short description: The Coding Kickstarter offers first-year students in particular additional materials and support from experienced tutors to learn basic concepts and working techniques in programming.

Target group:
Students in the first  semester BSc

  • Computer Science
  • Media Informatics
  • Software Engineering

Students in non subject-specific courses  

  • Introduction to Computer Science 1
  • Introduction to Computer Science 2 

Date: throughout the semester
Time: see on moodle
Location: see on moodle
Contact person: markus.maucher@uni-ulm.de

Registration: Moodle

Short description: Here students can solve their current worksheets in Mathematics for Computer Science 1 to 2 with the support of a tutor. In particular, students learn how to successfully complete typical maths assignments at university level independently.

Target group: Students in the first semester BSc

  • Computer Science
  • Media Informatics
  • Software Engineering

Date: throughout the semester
Time: see on moodle
Location: see on moodle
Contact person: markus.maucher@uni-ulm.de
Registration: Registration via Moodle

Short description: The revision sessions serve to repeat the lecture material and prepare for the examinations. The aim is to clarify unanswered questions and to recognise and close gaps in knowledge after learning the material independently.

Target group: Students in the first semester BSc

  • Computer Science
  • Media Informatics
  • Software Engineering

Date: throughout the semester
Time: to be announced
Location: to be announced
Contact person: 
Registration: Registration and further information


Short description: Basics E-Tec I+II

  •     Answering questions about the lecture material
  •     Support in calculating the exercises
  •     Exam preparation
  •     Tips for effective learning and self-organisation

Target group: Students in the first/second semester BSc

  • Electrical Engineering
  • Communications and Computer Engineering
  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Chemical Engineering

Monday, 12:00 - 14:00 with Jonas Location: 43.2.104
Tuesday 12:00 - 14:00 with Nikita Location: 47.2.102
Tuesday 16:00 - 18:00 with Julian Location: 47.2.104
Friday 10:00 - 12:00 with Fabio Location: 45.2.102

Contact person: margarita.puentes-damm@uni-ulm.de
Registration: Registration via Moodle

Short description: The additional tutorial "Higher Mathematics" promotes joint learning and solving exercises together with tutors. It takes place alongside the "Higher Mathematics" lectures in the first two semesters. It is open to students on all degree programmes and is funded by the student proposal budget.

Target group: Students of all degree programmes with course content from the field of Higher Mathematics

Date: throughout the semester
Time: to be announced
Location: to be announced, see timetables of Physics
Contact person: christoph.warns(at)uni-ulm.de



Short description: this offer only takes place in the winter semester
Here, before the start of the semester, the basic content of school knowledge and advanced fundamentals in maths are taught and deepened. You will also be familiarised with various new teaching and learning formats such as lectures, exercises and tutorials. In addition, it offers new first-year students the opportunity to make contacts with each other and familiarise themselves with the University campus.

Target group: all degree programmes with course content from the field of Mathematics
Date: Monday, 09.09.2024-27.09.2024  
Time: Start 10 am 
Location:  Lecture hall H22 in building section O28 or online via Zoom 
Contact persons: stefanie.beuter(at)uni-ulm.de
Registration: is via the website of the Maths Training Camp

Short description:

  • course integrated into the curriculum in small groups of up to 13 people with trained and supervised mentors from higher semesters
  • The aim is to facilitate the entry into psychology studies and university life in the first semester by teaching basic skills
  • Examples of topics covered: academic work, learning strategies, MS Office, exam organisation and much more
  • Part of the module "Scientific Working in Psychology”

Target group: Students in the first semester BSc 

  • Psychology

Dates: see course catalogue 
Time: see course catalogue 
Location: see course catalogue 
Contact person: anne.landhaeusser@uni-ulm.de
Registration: via CoronaNG

Short description:

  • courses integrated into the curriculum (in the first semester in "Statistics I", in the second semester in "Statistics II" as well as "Test theory and experimental design") in small groups of up to 13 people with trained and supervised mentors from higher semesters 
  • support in the methods subjects: Completing worksheets, clarifying comprehension questions, preparing for the exams

Target group: Students in the first/second semester BSc 

  • Psychology

Dates: see course catalogue 
Time: see course catalogue 
Location: see course catalogue 
Contact person: tatjana.stadnitski@uni-ulm.de
Registration: via CoronaNG

Short description:

Moodle course with all the key information about studying psychology, including relevant links and guidelines

Target group: Students in the first semester BSc 

  • Psychology

Dates: throughout the semester
Location: Moodle
Contact person: anne.landhaeusser@uni-ulm.de
Registration: Access via Moodle


Short description:

  • extracurricular weekly information event for psychology students of all semesters
  • topics related to studying (e.g. planning a stay abroad) and career orientation (e.g. lectures from professional practice) are dealt with, and there are also workshops to promote study-relevant skills

Target group: all psychology students
Date: during the semester on Wednesdays
Time: 14.00-16.00  
Location: 47.0.501
Contact person: anne.landhaeusser@uni-ulm.de

further information

Short description:

  • asynchronous, video-based training that provides information about procrastination and tips on how to deal with it 

Target group: all Psychology students
Date: can be done at all times
Location: Moodle
Contact person: anne.landhaeusser(at)uni-ulm.de
Registration: access via Moodle

Short description:

  • Collection of numerous helpful links and documents relating to academic writing

Target group: Psychology students writing their first term papers

Date: can be done at all times
Location: Moodle
Contact person: anne.landhaeusser(at)uni-ulm.de
Registration: access via Moodle

Faculty of Mathematics and Economics

Short description: this offer only takes place in the winter semester
Here, before the start of the semester, the basics of school knowledge and advanced fundamentals in maths are taught and deepened. You will also be familiarised with various new teaching and learning formats such as lectures, exercises and tutorials. In addition, it offers the new " first-year students" the opportunity to make contacts with each other and familiarise themselves with the University campus.

Target group: all degree programmes with course content from the field of Mathematics
Date: Monday, 09.09.2024-27.09.2024  
Time: Start 10 am 
Location:  Lecture hall H22 in building section O28 or online via Zoom 
Contact persons: stefanie.beuter(at)uni-ulm.de
Registration: is via the website of the Maths Training Camp

Short description: This colloquium is a small group tutorial that is offered in parallel to the lecture and the exercises. The focus is on the active participation of the students, who are encouraged to discuss maths, calculate exercises and actively answer questions about the lecture.

Target group:  Students in the first/second semester BSc

  • Mathematics
  • Mathematics and Management
  • Mathematical Biometry

Date: during the semester
Time: to be announced
Location: to be announced
Contact persons: 
Registration: via the Moodle course of the lecture

Short description: This colloquium is a small group tutorial that is offered in parallel to the lecture and the exercises. The focus is on the active participation of the students, who are encouraged to discuss maths, present calculations and actively answer questions about the lecture.

Target group: Students in the first/second semester BSc

  • Mathematics
  • Mathematics and Management
  • Mathematical Biometry

Date: throughout the semester
Time: to be announced
Location: to be announced
Contact persons: 
Registration: via the Moodle course of the lecture

Short description: MathLabs are courses supervised by student and other tutors to support students alongside their lectures. Students who attend a lecture for which a lab is offered have the opportunity to take part in the MathLab at a fixed weekly time (usually two to three hours), either alone or in small working groups. During this time, the tutors are available to answer questions about the lecture content or specific exercises. Working on exercises is an essential part of the introductory lectures, and the MathLabs are a great help here in particular.

Target group: Students in the first/second semester BSc

  • Mathematics
  • Mathematics and Management
  • Mathematical Biometry

Date: during the semester
Time: to be announced
Location: to be announced
Contact persons: 
Registration: via the Moodle course of the lecture further information

Faculty of Natural Sciences

Short description: Here, before the start of the semester, the basic content of school knowledge and advanced fundamentals in chemistry are taught and deepened. Participants will also be familiarised with various new teaching and learning formats such as lectures, laboratory courses, exercises and tutorials. In addition, the camp offers new first-year students the opportunity to make contacts with each other and familiarise themselves with the University campus.

Target group: students of all degree programmes with course content from the field of chemistry
Date: 18 to 27 September 2024
Time: 9 am
Location: H3
Contact person: christian.vogl(at)uni-ulm.de
Registration: is via the website of the Chemistry Training Camp

Short description: The iPractice online course was designed as an electronic interactive library with exercises to accompany the course. The most important theoretical content is explained in short sections. The newly acquired knowledge can be tested with accompanying exercises and the questions in the exercise blocks can be automatically checked immediately after answering them. It is therefore immediately visible whether the answer given is correct; in addition, a hint is always displayed on the solution path. Based on this feedback, students can revisit the question and find any errors on their own. Students can also receive individualised professional support via the course forum or directly from the respective contact person.

Target group: Students in the first semester BSc

  • Chemistry
  • Chemical Engineering

Date: to be announced
Time: to be announced
Location: to be announced
Contact person: lena.harwardt@uni-ulm.de & oliver.wiltschka@uni-ulm.de


Short description:

  • Tutorial - "General Chemistry"

Target group: Students in the first semester BSc

  • Chemistry
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Chemistry and Management
  • Biochemistry
  • Biology
  • Teacher Education Chemistry/Biology and Teacher Education Chemistry/Mathematics
  • Molecular Medicine 

Date: throughout the semester
Time: to be announced
Location: to be announced
Contact person: oliver.wiltschka@uni-ulm.de

Further information


Short description: In order to facilitate the learning-intensive times of your studies, you will be provided with a room in which you can actively discuss problems and solution strategies of the current worksheets and lectures in mechanics or theoretical mechanics with experienced tutors in an inspiring and pleasant environment. Right from the start, you will learn how to work independently, but also how to find a suitable study group. The study room time is integrated into the timetables of the first and second semesters with two hours per week. 

Target group: Students in the first semester BSc

  • Physics
  • Physics and Management

Date: throughout the semester
Time: to be announced
Location: to be announced, see timetables of Physics
Contact person: christoph.warns@uni-ulm.de



Short description: Whether slower or faster than average, all students have their own learning and study pace. For challenging situations, an experienced student will be at your side and help you if you run out of steam during the course of your studies. Together you will work out solutions for difficult tasks and build up a solid time management system.

Target group: Epecially students in the first half of their Bachelor's degree.

  • Physics
  • Physics and Management

Date: throughout the semester
Time: to be announced
Location: to be announced
Contact person: maria-verena.kohnle@uni-ulm.de


Short description: The additional tutorial "Higher Mathematics" promotes joint learning and solving exercises together with tutors. It takes place alongside the "Higher Mathematics" lectures in the first two semesters. It is open to students on all degree programmes and is funded by the student proposal budget.

Target group: Students of all degree programmes with course content from the field of Higher Mathematics
Date: throughout the semester
Time: to be announced
Location: to be announced, see timetables of Physics
Contact person: christoph.warns(at)uni-ulm.de


Short description: This offer only takes place in the winter semester

  • Tutorial "Fundamentals of organismic biology"

Target group: Students in the first semester BSc

  • Biology
  • Teacher Education Biology

Date: throughout the winter semester
Time: to be announced
Location: to be announced
Contact person: stephanie.wittig-blaich@uni-ulm.de

Further information

Short description:

  • Tutorial "Mathematics for Natural Sciences I"

Target group: Students in the first semester BSc

  • Chemistry
  • Chemistry and Management
  • Biochemistry
  • Biology
  • Teacher Education Chemistry/Biology

Date: throughout the semester
Time: to be announced
Location: to be announced
Contact person: stephanie.wittig-blaich@uni-ulm.de

Further information

Short description: The mentoring programme for teacher education is aimed at teacher education students in their first semester and supports them in starting their studies. In small groups, teacher education students from higher semesters impart useful and interesting information as well as skills for successful studies. Topics include learning strategies & work techniques, time management & organisation, exam stress, academic writing, anti-procrastination & burnout, motivation, self-organisation and free time.

Target group: Students in the first semester Teacher Education
to be announced
Time: to be announced
Location: to be announced
Contact person: daniel.schropp(at)uni-ulm.de


Medical Faculty

Short description: 

Target group: Students in the first semester BSc Molecular Medicine 

Date: to be announced
to be announced
Location: to be announced
Registration/Contact person: barbara.eichner@uni-ulm.de

Short description: Here, before the start of the semester, the basic content of school knowledge and advanced fundamentals in chemistry are taught and deepened. Participants will also be familiarised with various new teaching and learning formats such as lectures, laboratory courses, exercises and tutorials. In addition, the camp offers new first-year students the opportunity to make contacts with each other and familiarise themselves with the University campus.

Target group: students of all degree programmes with course content from the field of chemistry
Date: 18 to 27 September 2024
Time: 9 am
Location: H3
Contact person: christian.vogl(at)uni-ulm.de
Registration: is via the website of the Chemistry Training Camp

Short description:

  • Tutorial - "General Chemistry"

Target group: Students in the first semester BSc

  • Molecular Medicine

Date: throughout the semester
Time: to be announced
Location: to be announced
Contact person: oliver.wiltschka@uni-ulm.de

Further information

Short description: This preparatory course is offered to refresh the mathematical basics required for the natural science subjects of physics and chemistry. The NAWI upgrade also includes targeted preparation for the partial exams in both subjects. We strongly recommend this course if you are not really into maths or have not had any maths lessons for a long time. Even if you already have a good knowledge of maths, this course can be a useful revision and supplement, as the lecturers assume that you are familiar with these basic skills in their courses.

Target group:
Students of Human Medicine and Dentistry

Date: Start/end of the lab course, the exact dates can be found in the Moodle course
to be announced
Location: to be announced
Registration/Contact person: sandra.lang(at)uni-ulm.de

Moodle course with further information

Short description: Did you graduate from school abroad? Do you come from a different cultural background? Is German not your mother tongue? Then we have several offers for you! Elective subject "Starting your studies for international students" The "all-round package" for a successful start to your studies! The elective provides you with key skills for your studies, supports you in organising your studies and learning, offers subject-specific assistance, highlights cultural differences, resources and conditions in Ulm and creates language opportunities for intercultural dialogue. You can acquire these important skills and insights and much more here. Bring your (inter)cultural competence as a resource into the medical degree programme right at the start of your studies and develop your skills to become a true healthcare professional!

Target group: international students of Human Medicine and Dentistry
18 October 23 - 14 February 24
Time: to be announced
Location: to be announced
Contact person: birgit.dreisbach(at)uni-ulm.de
Registration: via CoronaNG

Short description: In this Moodle course you will find helpful information for starting your studies in Human Medicine or Dentistry. 

Registration: Human Medicine  Dentistry

Do you need assistance?


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