Update: The workshop already took place with great success. We thank all the speakers and participants for their contributions.
Original Welcome Note:
The 2019 workshop of GAMM activity group on CSE (Computational Science and Engineering) will take place at Schloss Reisensburg, Günzburg , science center of Ulm University on November 21. - 22. 2019. It is organized by the Institute of Numerical Mathematics of Ulm University together with the Scientific Computing Centre Ulm (uzwr) and the GAMM Student Chapter Ulm.
We highly encourage all participants to give a talk (see Abstract Submission). In the tradition of the GAMM, the workshop especially is a good opportunity for young researchers to present and discuss their work in a friendly and productive atmosphere. Together with a long-standing tradition of research on computational mechanics, the fields of mathematical modelling, numerics and scientific computing are key topics of the Gesellschaft für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (GAMM).
The focus of this event is on interdisciplinary collaboration in the best sense of CSE: To combine the complimentary expertise in engineering, modelling, computational science and high-performance computing. This forms a new branch in science for the solution of multi-physical and engineering challenges, requiring an integrative and cross-disciplinary understanding of computational science.

Abstract submission closed!
Workshop Organizers
Institute of Numerical Mathematics
Ulm University
Director: Prof. Dr. Karsten Urban
Ulmer Zentrum für Wissenschaftliches Rechnen (uzwr)
Ulm University
Exec. Manager: Dr. Ulrich Simon
GAMM Student Chapter Ulm
President: MSc Lucas Engelhardt
Vice President: MSc Tim Wagner