Venue and Accommodation
The workshop will take place in the old castle Schloss Reisensburg:
Wissenschaftszentrum Schloss Reisensburg d. Universität Ulm
Bgm.-Johann-Müller-Straße 1
89312 Günzburg
The Reisensburg has 45 single and 5 double rooms, which will be assigned according to the principle "first come, first serve" with the registration to the workshop. Bed and breakfast costs amount between 75,- € and 80,- € per person and night. It is possible to arrive on Wednesday (additional costs). During the registration procedure you will be asked about your accomodation needs (single or double room, extended stay). You can also indicate that you don't need any reservation in the old casle by us. Then you can make independent accommodation apointments in the nearby village Günzburg.
Welcome to the Reisensburg - Please step in!

Abstract submission closed!
Workshop Organizers
Institute of Numerical Mathematics
Ulm University
Director: Prof. Dr. Karsten Urban
Ulmer Zentrum für Wissenschaftliches Rechnen (uzwr)
Ulm University
Exec. Manager: Dr. Ulrich Simon
GAMM Student Chapter Ulm
President: MSc Lucas Engelhardt
Vice President: MSc Tim Wagner