Nicolas Kainz, M. Sc.
Institute of Numerical Mathematics, Helmholtzstr. 20, Room 1.06, 89081 Ulm
Tel: (+49) 731 50 23937
E-mail: nicolas.kainz(at)uni-ulm.de
Office Hours: Please make an appointment via e-mail.
Planar Analytic Dynamical Systems and their phase space structure, master thesis, 03/2023, available here: master thesis
Local geometry of Equilibria and a Poincare-Bendixson-type Theorem for Holomorphic Flows, Topology Proc. 65 (2025), pp. 99-116, e-published on November 7, 2024. Journal: https://topology.nipissingu.ca/tp/reprints/v65/ Preprint: https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2402.07612
Basins of Equilibria and geometry of Global Sectors in Holomorphic Flows, article for the Topology Proceedings journal, 10/2024, Preprint: https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2410.04895
I represent the interests of doctoral students at Ulm University in the following committees. If you have any concerns in this regard, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Nicolas Kainz, M. Sc.
Institute of Numerical Mathematics, Helmholtzstr. 20, Room 1.06, 89081 Ulm
Tel: (+49) 731 50 23937
E-mail: nicolas.kainz(at)uni-ulm.de
Office Hours: Please make an appointment via e-mail.