Faculty institutes

Computer Science

DBIS – Databases and Information Systems
Prof. Dr. Manfred Reichert
Prof. Dr. Ansgar Scherp
ES – Embedded Systems/Real-Time Systems
Prof. Dr. Frank Slomka
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Glaß
KI – Artificial Intelligence
Prof. Dr. Birte Glimm
MI – Media Informatics
Prof. Dr. Timo Ropinski
Prof. Dr. Enrico Rukzio
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Weber
NI – Neural Information Processing
Prof. Dr. Dr. Daniel Alexander Braun
Prof. Dr. Heiko Neumann
OMI – Information Resource Management
Prof. Dr. Steffen Wendzel
SP – Software Engineering and Programming Languages
Prof. Dr. Matthias Tichy
Prof. Dr. Thom Frühwirth
Theo – Theoretical Computer Science
Prof. Dr. Jacobo Torán
Prof. Dr. Enno Ohlebusch
VS – Distributed Systems
Prof. Dr. Frank Kargl
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Franz J. Hauck


BMT - Institute of Biomedical Engineering
Prof. Dr. Walter Karlen
EBS - Electron Devices and Circuits
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Dietmar Kissinger
EWS - Energy Conversion and Storage
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Josef Kallo (on leave)
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jian Xie

FNS - Functional Nanosystems

Prof. Dr. Claudia Lenk
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Herr
Prof. Carl E. Krill III, Ph.D.
apl. Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Rainer Michalzik

MRM - Measurement, Control and Microtechnology
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus Dietmayer
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Joachim Deutscher
Mikro - Microelektronics
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Maurits Ortmanns
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Albrecht Rothermel
Prof. Dr. Claus Braxmaier
MWT - Microwave Techniques
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Waldschmidt
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Damm
NT - Communications Engineering
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Robert Fischer
Prof. Dr. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Minker
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Bossert

Psychology and Education

Applied Emotional and Motivational Psychology
Prof. Dr. Cornelia Herbert
Applied Cognitive Psychology
Prof. Dr. Marc Ernst
Clinical and Biological Psychology
Prof. Dr. Iris-Tatjana Kolassa
Clinical and Health Psychology
Prof. Dr. Dr. Olga Pollatos
Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy
Prof. Dr. Harald Baumeister
Developmental Psychology
Prof. Dr. Daniel Zimprich
Generell Psychology
Prof. Dr. Anke Huckauf
Human Factors
Prof. Dr. Martin Baumann
Learning and Instruction
Prof. Dr. Tina Seufert
Molecular Psychology
Prof. Dr. Christian Montag
Quantitative Methodology
Prof. Dr. Morten Moshagen
Social Psychology
Prof. Dr. Johannes Keller
Work- and Organizational Psychology
Prof Dr. Klaus Melchers

Coopted members
Prof. Dr. Hans-Georg Beyer, FH Vorarlberg
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Robert Güttel, Institut für Chemieingenieurwesen
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Grützner, Institut für Chemieingenieurwesen
Prof. Dr. Hans A. Kestler, Institut für Medizinische Systembiologie
Prof. Dr. Arnulf Latz, HIU Ulm
Prof. Dr. Christian Schlegel, Hochschule Ulm
Prof. Dr. habil. Thomas Thierauf, Hochschule Aalen
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Walter, Hochschule Ulm
Prof. Dr. Dirk Ziegenbalg, Institut für Chemieingenieurwesen