Forschungsseminar - Dr. Steffen Winter_Quantification of fracture roughness by change probabilities and Hurst exponents

Zeit : Dienstag , 16:00
Veranstalter : Institut für Stochastik
Ort : Universität Ulm, Helmholtzstraße 18, 220

Im Rahmen der Forschungsseminare läd das Institut für Stochastik zu einem Seminarvortrag am 28.05.2024 von PD.Dr. Steffen Winter, (Karslruher Intitut für Technologie - KIT) mit dem Titel: „Quantification of fracture roughness by change probabilities and Hurst exponents

Datum:  Dienstag 28.05.2024 
Ort:  Raum 220, Helmholtz 18
Zeit: 16:00

Davor gibt es ab 15:30 in Raum 200 (Helmholtzstr. 18) noch die Gelegenheit, sich zu einem Kaffee oder Tee zu treffen.

Es sind alle Interessierten dazu eingeladen.

Abstract: In geology the roughness of rock joint surfaces is typically described using Hurst exponents, which may be measured using e.g. power spectral densities.
We propose a different approach for describing fracture roughness utilizing so-called “change probabilities”. In order to detect and visualize anisotropy of rock joint
surfaces, the roughness of one-dimensional profiles taken in different directions is quantified. The central quantifiers, change probabilities, are based on counting
monotonic changes in discretizations of a profile. These probabilities, which usually vary with the scale, can be reinterpreted as scale-dependent Hurst exponents.
For a large class of Gaussian stochastic processes, change probabilities are shown to be directly related to the classical Hurst exponent, which generalizes a 
relationship known for fractional Brownian motion. While related to this classical roughness measure, the proposed method is more generally applicable, therefore
increasing the flexibility of modeling and investigating surface profiles. In particular, it allows a quick and efficient visualization and detection of roughness anisotropy
and scale dependence of roughness.