News of the Institute of Media Informatics

Two Papers accepted at IEEE / CVF Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference (CVPR)

Ulm University

RADU: Ray-Aligned Depth Update Convolutions for ToF Data Denoising (Schelling et al.) | Clean Implicit 3D Structure from Noisy 2D STEM Images (Kniesel et al.)

Michael Schelling and Hannah Kniesel each have a publication at this year's CVPR conference. These publications will later appear in the IEEE Xplore.

RADU: Ray-Aligned Depth Update Convolutions for ToF Data Denoising

Michael Schelling, Pedro Hermosilla, Timo Ropinski



Time-of-Flight (ToF) cameras are subject to high levels of noise and distortions due to Multi-Path-Interference (MPI). While recent research showed that 2D neural networks are able to outperform previous traditional State-of-the-Art (SOTA) methods on denoising ToF-Data, little research on learning-based approaches has been done to make direct use of the 3D information present in depth images. In this paper, we propose an iterative denoising approach operating in 3D space, that is designed to learn on 2.5D data by enabling 3D point convolutions to correct the points' positions along the view direction. As labeled real world data is scarce for this task, we further train our network with a self-training approach on unlabeled real world data to account for real world statistics. We demonstrate that our method is able to outperform SOTA methods on several datasets, including two real world datasets and a new large-scale synthetic data set introduced in this paper.

Clean Implicit 3D Structure from Noisy 2D STEM Images

Hannah Kniesel, Timo Ropinski, Tim Bergner, Kavitha Shaga Devan, Clarissa Read, Paul Walther, Tobias Ritschel, Pedro Hermosilla



Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopes (STEMs) acquire 2D images of a 3D sample on the scale of individual cell components. Unfortunately, these 2D images can be too noisy to be fused into a useful 3D structure and facilitating good denoisers is challenging due to the lack of clean-noisy pairs. Additionally, representing detailed 3D structure can be difficult even for clean data when using regular 3D grids. Addressing these two limitations, we suggest a differentiable image formation model for STEM, allowing to learn a joint model of 2D sensor noise in STEM together with an implicit 3D model. We show, that the combination of these models are able to successfully disentangle 3D signal and noise without supervision and outperform at the same time several baselines on synthetic and real data.