Pascal Jansen, M.Sc.

Pascal Jansen joined the HCI Group in June 2021 as a research associate and Ph.D. student.

Pascal has an M.Sc. with distinction in Media Informatics (2021) from Ulm University. The title of the master thesis was: SwiVR-Car-Seat: Utilizing a Motorized Swivel Seat to Explore Effects of Vehicle Motion on Interaction Quality in Virtual Reality Automated Driving. Before that, he studied Computer Science at Ulm University and obtained his B.Sc. in 2018.

In 2021, Pascal participated in the German Computer Game Award and was nominated with his team for the serious game The Social Engineer in the category Young Talent Award: Best Prototype. With The Social Engineer, Pascal was also a finalist for Best Student Game in the 2022 Games for Change Awards. The Social Engineer was additionally nominated for the nextReality.Contest 2022 in the "Young Talent" category.

Research interests

My research explores the design space of driver- and passenger-based automotive user interfaces, introducing novel concepts for Computational Interaction with Mobility centered around five key areas:

  • Mobility User Interface Design as Unique Optimization Problem
  • Computational Calibration of Driver/Passenger States
  • Optimization of Accessibility - Accessible Mobility by Default
  • Scalable Evaluation and Computational Mixed-Immersive Data Analysis
  • Simulation and Simulacra of Future Mobility


You are welcome to contact me via email if you are generally interested in projects or theses in the field of Virtual Reality, Augmented RealityAutomotive User Interfaces, and Vehicle Motion Simulation. Of course, I am always open for topic suggestions.

I am looking forward to our cooperation.

Future Mobility:

A small step for man... Human-Computer Interaction for Space Exploration
Exploring Motion Effects on Interaction Quality in Urban Air 

Generative AI in Human-Computer Interaction:

Augmenting Human to Human Communication with Generative AI
Predicting User Interactions in Vehicles
Interfaces for Explainable In-Vehicle AI

Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality:

Social Engineering Awareness Training in Virtual Reality
ShARe: Asymmetric Multi-User Augmented Reality
Imaginary Text Entry for Virtual and Augmented Reality

Human-Robot Interaction:

Drone UI: Utilizing Drones as Mobile User Interfaces
Social Perception of Autonomous Household Robots

Automotive User Interfaces:

Novel In-Vehicle Interaction Modalities and Locations
Driver Attention Guidance in Automated Vehicles
Shape Changing Interfaces in Vehicles
You Spin Me Right Round - Using a Motorized Swivel Seat in Takeovers
Augmented Reality Window Parking Assistant
Makes Perfect Scents – Olfactory Experiences in Vehicles
Social Interplay of Ride-Sharing Passengers
Gender Influences on Take-Overs in Automated Driving

Vehicle Motion Simulation:

Vehicle Motion Simulation in Virtual Reality
Validity of Driver State Measures Across Simulators
Comparing Vehicle Motion Impacts on Interaction Quality Between Simulators

Master Theses

  • Investigating Acceptance and Trust of Auditory Cues in Vehicles - Based on a Systematic Literature Review

Bachelor Theses

  • Exploring Vehicle Motion Simulation in Virtual Reality Using a Motorized Wheelchair
  • Designing a Task-Driven Platform to Evaluate Performance Indicators’ Effects on the Understanding of Prediction Systems
  • Progress Assessment for Adaptive Hints in Educational Virtual Reality Games

AutoVis: The Mixed-Immersive Analysis Toolkit for Automotive UI Interaction Studies 

UVID: A Virtual Reality Framework for Immersive Exploration of Vehicle Interior Design

  • Lecture Automotive User Interfaces '21 '22 '23
  • Lecture User Interface Softwaretechnologien '22 '23
  • Seminar Research Trends in Media Informatics '21 '22
  • Project User Centered Design '21 '22 '23
  • Project Design Thinking for Interactive Systems '21 '22 '23

Funded Projects

Cooperation partners: Ulm University, AVL Software & Functions GmbH, Human-Factors-Consult GmbH, Humatects GmbH, OFFIS e.V.

SituWare addresses a central obstacle for the introduction of highly automated vehicles (see also BASt) into complex traffic: the required time reserve for a safe transfer of control to the distracted driver. Even environment sensors available in the medium term cannot always guarantee large time reserves. SituWare reduces the takeover time through a targeted, situation-related driver perception adapted driver guidance and enables fluid vehicle behavior with high user acceptance by adapting automation to the driver's situational awareness.

Pascal investigates how handover processes can be made safer and faster by multimodal attention and information guidance.

Scientific Activities

I have contributed over 100 reviews to various venues:

Conference Reviewer: AutomotiveUI '21 '22 '23 '24, VRST '21, CHI '22 '23 '24, IDC '22, ICWSM '22, GLS '22, MobileHCI '22 '23, IMX '22, ETRA '22, COGAIN '22, CogSci '22, DIS '22 '23, EICS PACM '22, CHI Play '22, ISS '22, ISMAR '22, Creativity & Cognition '22, MuC '22 '24, NordiCHI '22, ICIS '22, OzCHI '22 '23, ISWC '22, IEEE VIS '23, ICMI '23, HAI '23, PacificVis '24, CSCW '24, UIST '24, TEI '24 '25

Journal Reviewer: IMWUT '22 '23, TVCG '22, TRF '24

For this, I have received 12 special recognitions:

1 "Special Recognition for Outstanding Reviews" IMWUT 2022

1 "Special Recognition for Outstanding Reviews" ISS 2022

1 "Special Recognition for Outstanding Reviews" AutomotiveUI 2022

1 "Special Recognition for Outstanding Reviews" DIS 2023

1 "Special Recognition for Outstanding Reviews" IEEE VIS 2023

1 "Special Recognition for Outstanding Reviews" AutomotiveUI 2023

2 "Special Recognitions for Outstanding Reviews" CHI 2024

1 "Special Recognition for Outstanding Reviews" CHI 2024 Late-Breaking Work

1 "Special Recognition for Outstanding Reviews" CSCW 2024

1 "Special Recognition for Outstanding Reviews" MuC 2024

1 "Special Recognition for Outstanding Reviews" UIST 2024

I was also part of several organizing committees:

Organizer LBW: CHI '23 '24 Late-Breaking Work AC

Organizer Full Paper: AutomotiveUI '24 and MuC '24 Full Paper AC

Conference Organizer: Registration and Local Co-Chair AutomotiveUI '23



M. Colley, B. Wanner, M. Rädler, M. Rötzer, J. Frommel, T. Hirzle, P. Jansen and E. Rukzio, "Effects of a Gaze-Based 2D Platform Game on User Enjoyment, Perceived Competence, and Digital Eye Strain", In Proc. of CHI 2024 (SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems), May 2024. ACM.
P. Jansen, M. Colley, T. Pfeifer and E. Rukzio, "Visualizing Imperfect Situation Detection and Prediction in Automated Vehicles: Understanding Users’ Perceptions via User-Chosen Scenarios", Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, Joint First Authors, 05 2024. Elsevier.
A. Zeqiri, P. Jansen, J. O. Rixen, M. Rietzler and E. Rukzio, "'Eco Is Just Marketing': Unraveling Everyday Barriers to the Adoption of Energy-Saving Features in Major Home Appliances", Proc. ACM Interact. Mob. Wearable Ubiquitous Technol. (IMWUT), vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 27, Mar. 2024. ACM.
M. Colley, J. Czymmeck, M. Kücükkocak, P. Jansen and E. Rukzio, "PedSUMO: Simulacra of Automated Vehicle-Pedestrian Interaction Using SUMO To Study Large-Scale Effects", 9th Annual ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human Robot Interaction (HRI), 2024. ACM/IEEE,


P. Jansen, J. Britten, A. Häusele, T. Segschneider, M. Colley and E. Rukzio, "A Demonstration of AutoVis: Enabling Mixed-Immersive Analysis of Automotive User Interface Interaction Studies", Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications (AutomotiveUI ’23 Adjunct), 09 2023. ACM.
P. Jansen, J. Britten, A. Häusele, T. Segschneider, M. Colley and E. Rukzio, "AutoVis: Enabling Mixed-Immersive Analysis of Automotive User Interface Interaction Studies", In Proc. of CHI 2023 (SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems), Jan. 2023. ACM.
M. Colley, P. Jansen, J. J. Matthiesen, H. Hoberg, C. Reger and I. Thiermann, "How Much Home Office is Ideal? A Multi-Perspective Algorithm", CHIWORK 2023: 2023 Symposium on Human-Computer Interaction for Work, *First three authors are joint first authors, Oldenburg, 13 - 16 June, 2023.


T. Hirzle, F. Fischbach, J. Karlbauer, P. Jansen, J. Gugenheimer, E. Rukzio and A. Bulling, "Understanding, Addressing, and Analysing Digital Eye Strain in Virtual Reality Head-Mounted Displays", ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI), vol. 29, pp. 1-80, Aug. 2022. ACM.
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P. Jansen, M. Colley and E. Rukzio, "A Design Space for Human Sensor and Actuator Focused In-Vehicle Interaction Based on a Systematic Literature Review", Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT), vol. 6, pp. 1-51, Jun. 2022. ACM.


M. Colley, P. Jansen, E. Rukzio and J. Gugenheimer, "SwiVR-Car-Seat: Exploring Vehicle Motion Effects on Interaction Quality in Virtual Reality Automated Driving Using a Motorized Swivel Seat", Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT), vol. 5, pp. 1-26, Dec. 2021. ACM.
T. Drey, F. Fischbach, P. Jansen, J. Frommel, M. Rietzler and E. Rukzio, "To Be or Not to Be Stuck, or Is It a Continuum?: A Systematic Literature Review on the Concept of Being Stuck in Games", Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact. 5, CHI PLAY, Article 229 (September 2021), Sep. 2021. ACM.


P. Jansen and F. Fischbach, "The Social Engineer: An Immersive Virtual Reality Educational Game to Raise Social Engineering Awareness", CHI PLAY '20: Extended Abstracts of the 2020 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play, Nov. 2020. ACM.
P. Jansen, F. Fischbach, J. Gugenheimer, E. Stemasov, J. Frommel and E. Rukzio, "ShARe: Enabling Co-Located Asymmetric Multi-User Interaction for Augmented Reality Head-Mounted Displays", ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST), Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, October 20 - 23, 2020, ACM, Oct. 2020.
M. Kraus, F. Fischbach, P. Jansen and W. Minker, "A Comparison of Explicit and Implicit Proactive Dialogue Strategies for Conversational Recommendation", Proceedings of the 12th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC), May 2020. European Language Resources Association.
T. Drey, P. Jansen, F. Fischbach, J. Frommel and E. Rukzio, "Towards Progress Assessment for Adaptive Hints in Educational Virtual Reality Games", In Extended Abstracts of CHI 2020 (SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems), Apr. 2020. ACM.
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