Lecture Course: Mobile Human Computer Interaction, Winter Semester 2018/19

General indications
Basic knowledge in issues of human computer interaction as well as pervasive computing are beneficial. However, the relevant concepts will be briefly recapitulated especially for lateral entrants.
The event is scheduled once a year.
In this research-oriented course, the participants will get to know detailed knowledge of subject areas such as interaction via mobile devices, the technical particularities fo these devices (input, output, sensor system), the development of interactive mobile services, and novel fields of application.
The students will learn to apply methods, concepts, and tools about the design, the development, and the evaluation of corresponding applications and services with special interest of aspects such as limited means of input or output, the variety of user contexts, and technical limitations due to the size of the devices.
The exercises will deepen the theoretic aspects by means of tasks related to programming of mobile devices focussing on mobile human computer interaction, the usage of sensor data, and interaction design.
Development: Specification and analysis of mobile usage contexts, desing of mobile applications and interactions, development and prototyping of mobile services, evaluation of mobile services
Basic interaction concepts: Text input, visualisation techniques, tactile feedback, mobile augmented reality, direct and indirect interaction with remote displays, mobile interaction with the real world, language based interaction, wearable user interfaces
Technology in mobile devices: sensory (location, orientation, rotation, etc), near field communication, personal projectors
Areas of application: mobile gaming, mobile health, local mobile services, mobile navigation or guides, mobile human computer interaction in developing countries, mobile social networks, mobile search
Other selected topics: mobile user experience, mobile privacy, etc.
Tuesdays, 10:15 - 11:45h, at O27/2203
Thursdays, 14:15-15:45h, at O28/H21
Exam 1 | 19.02.2020, 10 am, H22 |
Exam 2 | 14.04.2020, 13:00, H22 |
Schwerpunktfach Mensch-Maschine Interaktion (Ba Inf/MI)
Kernfach Prakt. & Angew. Informatik (Ma Inf)
Kernfach Mediale Informatik (Ma MI)
See HIS/Study -> Module "Mobile Mensch-Computer-Interaktion I"