Teaching - Winter Term 2020/2021

Hints about winter term 2020/21
Dear students
All teaching activities of the institute of media informatics in this semester will be offered as online courses.
Please follow the links to learn about about special teaching conditions in general
and the offers of the faculty of computer sciences this term offered by the university's or faculty's task forces.
Detailed information about the courses are as usual presented via the subpages indicated here.
Thank you for your co-operation!
Lecture Courses, Bachelor Level
This course teaches basic concepts of machine learning and how they are applied to computer graphics. Learning from 3D points (point clouds) as treated in this course is a frequent research topic in visualization. The course covers the whole process of developping, training neural nets, and adapting complex models to new datasets. Participants will first learn how to solve standard machine learning problems, before applying their know how to 3D data.
Die Studierenden kennen grundlegende Konzepte und Algorithmen aus dem Bereich Computergrafik und können diese in ihren eigenen Grafikanwendungen umsetzen. Dabei sind sie in der Lage, polygonale Modelle mit Anwendung von Texturierung und Beleuchtung zur Anzeige zu bringen. Weiterhin kennen Sie die konzeptionellen Stufen der Renderingpipeline als grundlegende Schritte der Bildsynthese, und können häufig verwendete Grafikalgorithmen auf der CPU und der GPU umsetzen.
Ausgehend von einer kurzen Einführung in Problemstellungen und Konzepte zur Wahrnehmung und anderem innerhalb der Kognitionswissenschaften, werden Techniken, denen unterschiedliche Interaktionsmethaphern zu Grunde liegen, sowie formale Methoden zur Notation und Analyse von Interaktionsmechanismen vorgestellt.
This research-oriented lecture course contains detailed knowledge of subject areas such as interaction via mobile devices, the technical particularities fo these devices (input, output, sensor system), and the development of interactive mobile services.
The students will learn to apply methods, concepts, and tools about the design, the development, and the evaluation of corresponding applications and services with special interest to limited means of input or output, the variety of user contexts, and technical limitations due to the size of the devices.
The exercises will deepen the theoretic aspects by means of tasks related to programming of mobile devices focussing on mobile human computer interaction, the usage of sensor data, and interaction design.
Für die Verbreitung von Informationen über digitale Kommunikationsmedien spielen verschiedene Teilbereiche des Rechts eine Rolle. Die Vorlesung greift folgende vier Aspekte heraus: das Markenrecht, das Domainrecht, das Urheberrecht und das Wettbewerbsrecht.
Lecture Courses, Master Level
This course teaches basic concepts of machine learning and how they are applied to computer graphics. Learning from 3D points (point clouds) as treated in this course is a frequent research topic in visualization. The course covers the whole process of developping, training neural nets, and adapting complex models to new datasets. Participants will first learn how to solve standard machine learning problems, before applying their know how to 3D data.
Für die Verbreitung von Informationen über digitale Kommunikationsmedien spielen verschiedene Teilbereiche des Rechts eine Rolle. Die Vorlesung greift folgende vier Aspekte heraus: das Markenrecht, das Domainrecht, das Urheberrecht und das Wettbewerbsrecht.
This research-oriented lecture course contains detailed knowledge of subject areas such as interaction via mobile devices, the technical particularities fo these devices (input, output, sensor system), and the development of interactive mobile services.
The students will learn to apply methods, concepts, and tools about the design, the development, and the evaluation of corresponding applications and services with special interest to limited means of input or output, the variety of user contexts, and technical limitations due to the size of the devices.
The exercises will deepen the theoretic aspects by means of tasks related to programming of mobile devices focussing on mobile human computer interaction, the usage of sensor data, and interaction design.
Seminars, Bachelor Level
Media Informatics is a broad field spanning many research directions and topics. In this seminar we focus on research trends in human-computer interaction (HCI) in autonomous driving, assistive technologies, games, virtual reality and wearable computing. This seminar aims to provide an overview of different research directions and current challenges that are focus of active research around the world and at our institute.
The research group Visual Computing is investigating in a broad area of research including computer graphics, image processing, visualization, and computer vision. This year, seminar topics can predominantly be chosen out of the three thematic areas deep learning for graphics, physically based rendering and data visualization. Please join our first event for an initial presentation.
Further Information (see 'Research Trends in Visual Computing')
The graduate seminar is dedicated to all bachelor students to give them the opportunity to show their thesis results to the public. It also provides a platform to present project results or results of the applied subject projects.
All interested colleagues and students are warmly invited to join this event.
This proseminar covers topics of the reseach area of visual computing, in particular computer graphics, visualisation, and deep learning.
After having chosen a first text and topic, the student will elaborate text and presentation under individual supervision.
The results will be discussed in the seminar group.
Seminars, Master Level
Media Informatics is a broad field spanning many research directions and topics. In this seminar we focus on research trends in human-computer interaction (HCI) in autonomous driving, assistive technologies, games, virtual reality and wearable computing. This seminar aims to provide an overview of different research directions and current challenges that are focus of active research around the world and at our institute.
Neural nets are fundamental for deep learning. Convolutional neural nets are a special form of neural nets and are able to learn complex features due to its deep structure. In this seminar we focus on different approaches how deep learning can help to solve problems in computer graphics.
The graduate seminar is dedicated to all master students to give them the opportunity to show their thesis results to the public. It also provides a platform to present project results or results of the applied subject projects.
All interested colleagues and students are warmly invited to join this event.
Applied Subjects, Bachelor Level
The projects in the context of an applied subject course will focus on research problems in the field of real-time rendering of computer graphics.
The projects are about information visualisation and scientific visualisation. The focus lies on interactive techniques which enable to interact with the visualisation, e.g. via filtering or change of rendering parameters.
Projects related to this applied subject will encompass conceptualisation, planing, and implementation of a task rooted in human-computer interaction. We will build teams of four or five students to work on the following topics:
- Driver Vehicle Interaction in Automated Driving
- Mobile / Nomadic Virtual Reality
- Wearable Interaction Techniques
- Mobile Assistive Systems
- Augmented and Virtual Reality in Education
In the age of internet and digital media, content is not exclusivly produced for single media but mostly aim at several media at a time. Thus the students are induced to develop creative approaches of design and to prototypically realise their ideas by using contemporary technologies of multimedia production. They thus acquire indispensable competences in interface management.
This course has already started last semester - if you are planning to join us for new projects, please come back next semester.
Interactive Systems I and Interactive Systems II in the following semester together form the applied subject of the same name in the master programme media informatics.
Part one starts off with analysing suboptimal concepts of interactions of existing systems. You will then preconceive, plan, and initiate a redesign process. All phases will be suplemented by short presentations about usually appearing common problems with direct link to the actual project work.
The course is conceived as problem centred and will mostly resort to group based work.
The basic object of this applied subject is to convey a multitude of techniques and tools which allow for building hardware centred prototypes of interactive systems. The obtained knowledge will be performed by carrying out a selfmade project.
Applied subjects and Projects, Master Level
The projects will focus on research problems in the field of real-time grafics rendering.
The projects are about information visualisation and scientific visualisation. The focus lies on interactive techniques which enable to interact with the visualisation, e.g. via filtering or change of rendering parameters.
Design Thinking is a specific approach that will be conceptually introduced and learnt. As a case examles, new interaction techniques will be enhanced or developed from scratch. The then initiated project has as purpose to create and evaluate an executable prototypic system.
This course is an offer to extensively explor research topics of human computer interaction. The project will first be conceptualised based on existing research. You will then draw and discuss a realistic schedule of subsequent tasks. The project itself will be carried out in small groups of four to five students.
The basic object of this applied subject is to convey a multitude of techniques and tools which allow for building hardware centred prototypes of interactive systems. The obtained knowledge will be performed by carrying out a selfmade project.
This course offers an occasion to go through the entire process of the user centered design approach. In particular, the initiated projects will focus on the development and enhancement of novel interaction techniques in the aim of creating and evaluating an executable prototypic system.