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(Stand Januar 2021)



  • Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods
  • Rank-1 Lattices
  • Image and Texture Sythesis
  • Anti-Aliasing


Image Synthesis by Rank-1 Lattices
Sabrina Skibak
Diplomarbeit, Ulm University, 2005

/fileadmin/website_uni_ulm/iui.inst.100/institut/verz-ma-ehedem/sabrina/ImgSynthPrePrint.pdfImage Synthesis by Rank-1 Lattices
Sabrina Dammertz and Alexander Keller
p. 217-236 in: Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods 2006, Springer, 2008

/fileadmin/website_uni_ulm/iui.inst.100/institut/verz-ma-ehedem/sabrina/SimR1L_prePrint.pdf/fileadmin/website_uni_ulm/iui.inst.100/institut/verz-ma-ehedem/sabrina/SimR1L_prePrint.pdfSimulation on Rank-1 Lattices
Holger Dammertz, Alexander Keller and Sabrina Dammertz
p. 205-216 in: Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods 2006, Springer, 2008



Efficient Search for Low-Dimensional Rank-1 Lattices with Applications in Graphics
Sabrina Dammertz, Holger Dammertz, and Alexander Keller
to appear in: Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods 2008 


Textures on Rank-1 Lattices
Sabrina Dammertz, Holger Damme/fileadmin/website_uni_ulm/iui.inst.100/institut/verz-ma-ehedem/holger/pg09_distinguishedPaperAward_small.jpgrtz, Alexander Keller, and  Hendrik Lensch
to appear in Pacific Graphics 2009

 Got the PG09 Distinguished Paper Award: /fileadmin/website_uni_ulm/iui.inst.100/institut/verz-ma-ehedem/holger/pg09_distinguishedPaperAward_small.jpg


Rank-1 Lattices in Computer Graphics

Sabrina Dammertz

Dissertation, Ulm 2009




Efficient Search for Low-Dimensional Rank-1 Lattices to approximate Spectra
Eighth International Conference on Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods in Scientific Computing (2008)

Dr. Sabrina Dammertz


ehemalige wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin