The Art of English Academic Writing

Time : Wednesday , 09:00 - 17:00
Location : Universität Ulm, Online via Webex

The workshop begins with a reflection on the character of the English language. The peculiarities of English have important consequences with regard to what constitutes a good writing style. Based on this, the characteristics of Anglo-Saxon academic texts are worked out on the basis of published formulation examples. The participants are given guidelines on how texts can be written on a scientifically high level while being lively and interesting.

Typical problems that non-English-speaking authors have when writing English-language texts are shown, easy-to-understand strategies for solving these problems are presented and applied with the help of relevant exercises.

The participants also receive an overview of other supporting resources and aids (further literature, electronically supported research and in-depth methods as well as sources for parts of speech that are frequently used in an academic context).


For registration, please write an email  with the following information:

  • Your name
  • Your institute
  • The name of the workshop you want to attend.