Workshop: Grant Proposal Writing

Time : Friday , 09.00 a.m. - 05.00 p.m.
Organizer : International Office
Location : University Ulm - Pavillon 1 | Room 12,

Successful third party funding acquisition is one crucial performance indicator in science. Moreover, good scientific projects need financial support from third party funding. In light of limited public funding, the securing of sources of financial support is an important task for a scientist. However, for many early-career scientists writing grant applications poses some difficulties and at first glance seems overwhelming.


Even though there is no guaranteed success, the methods and instruments of writing proposals can be learnt. A prerequisite is an attractive project concept. If a convincingly formulated application is submitted, the chances of securing funding are good.

This workshop delivers proven grant application knowledge. It shows how strategic considerations naturally lead to a sound proposal.


The participants receive theoretical input and engage with the various aspects through guided exercises. These include group exercises and individual exercises, both with guided plenum discussions.


  • the fundraising process in Science
  • overview of the fundraising landscape in Germany and the EU
  • changing the perspective: The reviewers point of view
  • the logic and essence of a grant proposal
  • basics of proposal writing
  • strategic considerations: Structure and style
  • proposal writing: My next steps


A prior registration for each workshop is required. Workshops are filled on a first-come, first-served basis.

Registration opens two months before each event.

Please use the online registration form.