Communications and Computer Engineering - Master of Science (MSc)
Absolventen des Masterstudiums der Informationssystemtechnik an der uulm können eigenständig Probleme im Grenzbereich der klassischen Elektrotechnik, Informationstechnik und Informatik lösen, und Informationssysteme konzipieren, entwerfen und implementieren. Absolventinnen und Absolventen haben ein vertieftes Wissen und Verstehen der ingenieurwissenschaftlichen Techniken der modernen Informationssystemtechnik.
Key data
Master of Science (MSc)
Type of study- full-time
Information on the study curriculum
Application Admission regulations Start of programme- each summer and winter semester
- German and English
- no restriction
Standard period of study (semester)4
More about the course
Neben den klassischen Lehrveranstaltungen erarbeitet sich der Studierende verschiedene Themengebiete auch in Projektform mit Seminar- und Praktikumsanteilen, um das Wissen nicht nur theoretisch zu vermitteln, sondern auch im praktischen Einsatz zu erfahren und lösungsorientiert umzusetzen, und um die Teamfähigkeit zu stärken. Neben den forschungsorientierten Projekten der Universität wird dabei insbesondere eine freiwillige Industriepraxis gefördert.
A green campus, several first places in university rankings, numerous research prizes and dedicated lecturers – that's Ulm University in a nutshell. What we value the most, however, is to provide a professional environment with a human touch. Students are able to find their way around quickly and receive substantial support right from the beginning. An active and lively exchange between students and professors is not only desirable but quite common here.
Keen on getting a taste of <link en/research/ - - "Opens internal link in current window">research</link> as soon as possible? Our interdisciplinary projects provide exciting insights!
We are fortunate to have numerous renowned companies close by in the Science City. For example, <link en/in/driveu/ - - "Öffnet internen Link im aktuellen Fenster">driveU</link> is a cooperation between the Daimler Research Centre and Ulm University focused on research and development of autonomic driving ('driving a car without a driver'). The results of such collaborations frequently enrich our teaching.
Graduates coming from Ulm University are fit for the job market! Interdisciplinary research and practical exercises together with presentations from economy and industry prepare our students for their careers.
The Master’s of Communications and Computer Engineering builds upon the content, methods and engineering competence acquired in the bachelor’s programme.
Students have the flexibility to customise their course of study by choosing from a broad spectrum of modularised course offerings and a diverse range of projects. They may, for instance, opt to delve deeply into one area of concentration, or alternatively, to develop competences in multiple core areas of electrical engineering. Thus, the programme allows both specialists and generalists to select a course of study that is the most appropriate for their future careers. Graduates leave the programme with a broad and detailed understanding of the state of the art in one or several areas of specialty.
Alongside the traditional lectures and coursework, students also acquire competence in various subject areas through projects completed in conjunction with seminars and internships. This ensures that knowledge is not only transferred on a theoretical level, but also through practical experience in creating real-world solutions while developing the student’s ability to work effectively within a team. Students have the opportunity to work in the university’s current areas of research and are also especially encouraged to participate in special projects with industry partners.
The ability adapt easily to the methods and terminology of future clients or project partners within interdisciplinary research groups is further reinforced in the elective subjects where the methods of electrical engineering are applied to other scientific disciplines such as mathematics, the natural sciences or medicine. This allows student to develop interdisciplinary competence.
The crowning piece of the course is the master’s thesis in which students research a current topic in their area of specialty. As is the case with internships and projects, students have the opportunity to work with the international research teams of the engineering department for their master’s thesis as well. This enables students to become independent researchers capable of designing their own research processes and developing their own problem-solving strategies.
The degrees conferred are equivalent to qualification level 7 of the German Qualifications Framework (DQR) and level 2 of the Qualifications Framework for German Higher Education Qualifications (QRDH).
Knowledge: Graduates will have acquired profound and broad knowledge in the areas of engineering, mathematics, information science and the natural sciences. They are enabled to perform independent scientific work and to exhibit leadership and responsibility in both a professional setting and in society at large. Our engineers approach new findings in their field with a critical awareness.
Skills – Graduates are able to:
- analyse and solve scientific problems, even when they are unusually or insufficiently defined and reveal conflicting specifications.
- abstract and formulate complex problems emerging from new or developing areas of research.
- apply innovative methods of basic science problem solving as well as to develop new scientific methods.
- develop approaches and solutions to complex and at times unusual questions, and where necessary apply knowledge from outside disciplines.
- create and develop new work, products, processes and methods.
- use their scientific judgement as engineers and information scientists to work with complex and possibly incomplete information and to recognise and deal with contradictions.
Competence – Graduates possess the competence to:
- recognise what information they will need and to locate and acquire such information.
- plan and execute theoretical and experimental studies.
- critically evaluate and draw conclusions from data.
- study and evaluate the application of new and emerging technologies.
Beyond the bachelor’s qualifications, master’s graduates are also able to:
- methodically classify and systematically combine knowledge from diverse areas and deal with complexity.
- quickly and systematically acquaint themselves with new tasks.
- systematically reflect upon the overarching consequences of their work as engineers and to incorporate this reflection into responsible actions.
- critically question existing methods and where needed to develop these methods further.
The general qualifications for the practice of engineering acquired in the bachelor’s studies are expanded and developed in the master’s programme.
International students, researchers and guests will find all necessary information for their stay at the Ulm Universty at International Office
ERASMUS Koordinator: Prof. Carl Krill, Ph.D. carl.krill(at)
Career opportunties
The University of Ulm is located in the heart of a region whose companies possess a strong technological and industrial orientation both in its immediate vicinity as well as in the surrounding areas. You will find medium-sized companies that are global leaders in their respective markets as well as local subsidiaries and headquarters of major global concerns such as BMW, Bosch, Cassidian, Continental, Daimler, EADS, IBM, Liebherr, NSN, Porsche, Siemens or Zeiss. These companies maintain their international leadership position by closely following trends in scientific research in order to develop cutting-edge innovative products. As a result, they compete for graduates in their high-demand technological fields.
Regardless of their chosen subspecialty, all graduates of the Master’s Programme in Computer Systems Engineering of the University of Ulm will encounter excellent career opportunities both locally and internationally. The university maintains a robust working relationship with the aforementioned and other companies and students of the engineering sciences have many opportunities to acquire practical experience through voluntary internships and work-study positions. Many students at the University of Ulm choose to write their master’s thesis on topic of current research and development directly related to their practical experiences.
The graduate of the master’s degree programme in computer systems engineering is a mediator between the fields of computer science and engineering. From energy supply to automation engineering, from microelectronics to information and communication technology, engineers can be deployed in all areas of the development of modern technological systems. The fields of application range from the automotive industry to mobile communications to medical technology. The majority of our students are seeking to garner a position in research and development at local and international companies. They come to the University of Ulm because they recognise that our programme’s broad training and methods-oriented approach will provide them with optimal prerequisites and opportunities for reaching their goals. Many candidates also find employment in management, production optimisation, application and distribution.
The demand for highly-trained graduates of the engineering and information sciences currently far outpaces supply, such that virtually every graduate is sure to find employment.
With their methods-oriented and scientifically broad training, graduates of the engineering and information sciences of the University of Ulm are also optimally positioned to pursue careers in university research and doctoral studies. The master’s degree is the gateway to careers at institutions of higher learning, universities and research institutes such as the Fraunhofer or Max Planck Institutes.
Campus life
Student society Engineering
Study commission EMail
Advicer: Dr. Werner Teich
Internship office: Ulrike Stier