“Hy-FIVE” hydrogen project launched
32 million euros in funding for the region – Ulm University on board

Ulm University

Today, Monday 4 July, the kick-off event for the project “Hy-FIVE – Model Region Green Hydrogen Baden-Württemberg” took place in Schwäbisch-Gmünd. State Secretary Dr Andre Baumann from the Ministry of Environment, Climate Protection and the Energy Sector symbolically presented the project consortium the funding in the amount of around 32 million euros.

Funding is being provided by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the state of Baden-Württemberg. The objective of the Hy-FIVE project is to test a hydrogen economy in rural as well as urban areas. Four lighthouse projects are the main focus of the activities, covering the entire value chain from production to use in industry, transportation and neighbourhood solutions. An office is being set up in Ulm where the project’s central tasks will be coordinated, including the organisation of informational events in participating urban and rural districts.

The model region comprises the districts of Reutlingen, Heidenheim and Tübingen, the Alb-Donau District, the Ostalb District and the cities of Schwäbisch Gmünd and Ulm. In addition, the consortium includes a total of 15 other project partners from science and industry who are working on specific projects. These include the construction of electrolysers for hydrogen production, fuelling station infrastructure and distribution systems as well as the development of an educational platform for continuing education opportunities and information for the public and companies in the region.

ZAWiW coordinates science projects for the public

The Centre for General Scientific Continuing Education (Zentrum für Allgemeine Wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung, ZAWiW) at Ulm University is also involved in the Hy-FIVE project. “Transfer between science and society is becoming more and more relevant. This includes spin-off companies from universities as well as technology transfer in companies – but also science for the public”, explains Dr Markus Marquard, director of ZAWiW. Joint research projects with local citizens can be an enrichment for everyone, and the Hy-FIVE project is a good example of this. “ZAWiW doesn’t just provide information about green hydrogen. Potentials for the energy transition are also discussed in a collaborative environment. What’s more, ‘hydrogen pilot’ volunteers will be trained to work with the local citizens on future developments”, reports Marquard.

The funding period for the Hy-FIVE project is from 2022 to 2027. After that, the system needs to be financially self-sustaining. Networking with other partners in the region and beyond, which is already in full swing, will thus play an important role in the long-term success of the project right from the start.

The Hy-FIVE consortium comprises 19 members – including the City of Ulm, SWU Energie GmbH, the Ulm University of Applied Sciences and the Continuing Education Centre for Innovative Energy Technologies). Ulm University is also closely affiliated with the Centre for Solar Energy and Hydrogen Research Baden-Württemberg (Zentrum für Sonnenenergie- und Wasserstoff-Forschung Baden-Württemberg, ZSW).

Background information
Nine project proposals were received by the Ministry of the Environment in response to its ERDF funding announcement. A total of 47 million euros in funding is available. In consultation with a jury of experts, the Ministry invited the following model regions to apply for funding with their project proposals:

  • Hy-FIVE – Hydrogen economy in rural and urban areas
  • GeNeSiS – Hydrogen pipeline along the Neckar river
  • Scientific support with H2 Companion