Laufende Promotionen

  • Marten Ademmer, "Characterization of the 3D microstructure of advanced energy materials based on tomographic image data and their spatial stochastic modeling" - Betreuer: Prof. Schmidt
  • Artur Bille, „Classification of combinatorially equivalent polytopes using modern statistical methods and applications“. Betreuer: Prof. Spodarev.
  • Niklas Eiermann, "Multidimensional probabilistic characterization of slag materials, using statistical image analysis supported by machine learning" - Betreuer: Prof. Schmidt
  • Lukas Fuchs, "Transfer functions for process control, derived by multivariate stochastic modeling and machine learning" - Betreuer: Prof. Schmidt
  • Phillip Gräfensteiner, "Data-driven stochastic characterization, modeling and simulation of the 3D microstructure of functional materials, supported by methods of machine learning" - Betreuer: Prof. Schmidt
  • Tom Kirstein, "Multidimensional characterization of particle systems for process quality assessment, using methods of statistical learning" - Betreuer: Prof. Schmidt
  • Albert Rapp, "Long Range Dependence of Heavy-tailed Stochastic Processes" - Betreuer: Prof. Spodarev
  • Philipp Rieder, "Characterization of the 3D microstructure of polycrystalline materials, based on tomographic image data and their spatial stochastic modeling" - Betreuer: Prof. Schmidt
  • Sabrina Weber, "Data-driven structure-property analysis using spatial stochastic modling and simulation" - Betreuer: Prof. Schmidt
  • Thomas Wilhelm, "Tessellation-based modeling of time-resolved 3D grain architectures" - Betreuer: Prof. Schmidt

Abgeschlossene Promotionen

  • Peter Schaumann, "Combination of stochastic modeling and machine learning for probabilistic weather forecasting" - Betreuer: Prof. Schmidt
  • Matthias Weber, "Data-driven anylysis, modeling and simulation of fiber-based materials: A basis for virtual materials testing" - Betreuer: Prof. Schmidt
  • Benedikt Prifling, "Process-microstructure-property relationships, based on statistical analysis of 3D image data and spatial stochastic modeling" - Betreuer: Prof. Schmidt
  • Lukas Petrich, "Geometric object extraction on various length scales and their stochastic model-based simulation", Juli 2023 - Betreuer: Prof. Schmidt
  • Orkun Furat, "Quantitative characterization of complex particle systems via machine learning and stochastic modeling", Juni 2022 - Betreuer: Prof. Schmidt
  • Judith Olszewski, "Asymptotic properties of scan statistics for random measures", Dezember 2021 - Betreuer: Prof. Spodarev
  • Matthias Neumann, "Stochastic 3D microstructure modeling for virtual materials testing based on tomographic image data", Mai 2020 - Betreuer: Prof. Schmidt
  • Daniel Westhoff, "Spatial stochastic modeling of advanced functional materials for investigating process-microstructure and microstructure-property relationships", Mai 2019 - Betreuer: Prof. Schmidt
  • Stefan Roth, "An Inverse Problem for Infinitely Divisible Moving Average Random Fields", Februar 2019 - Betreuer: Prof. Spodarev
  • Julian Feinauer, "Stochastic 3D modeling and simulation of electrode materials in lithium-ion batteries", November 2018 - Betreuer: Prof. Schmidt
  • Alexander Nerlich, "Stochastic partial differential equations of p-Laplace type", Oktober 2018 - Betreuer: Prof. Spodarev
  • Björn Kriesche, "Statistical analysis and stochastic modeling of meteorological and paleogeographical space-time data", Dezember 2017 - Betreuer: Prof. Schmidt
  • Aaron Spettl"Stochastic simulation models for the 3D microstructure of densely packed particle systems", Juli 2016 - Betreuer: Prof. Schmidt
  • David Neuhäuser"Parametric approximation formulas for the distributions of cost functionals in spatial stochastic networks", Juli 2015 - Betreuer: Prof. Schmidt
  • Christian Hirsch"Connectivity and percolation properties of stochastic networks", Dezember 2014 - Betreuer: Prof. Schmidt
  • Gerd Gaiselmann"Stochastic 3D microstructure modeling with special emphasis on fuel cells applications", Juni 2014 - Betreuer: Prof. Schmidt
  • Ole Stenzel, "Stochastic modeling of the 3D morphologies of energy materials on various length scales", Februar 2014 - Betreuer: Prof. Schmidt
  • Wolfgang Karcher, "Räumliche Risikoanalyse und Risikomodellierung in der Sachversicherung", Juli 2012 - Betreuer: Prof. Spodarev
  • Malte Spiess, "3D-Modellierung und Simulation von anisotropen porösen Medien mit Anwendung in der Brennstoffzellenentwicklung", Juni 2012 - Betreuer: Prof. Spodarev
  • Sebastian Lück, "Stochastic methods for the analysis of geometrically complex fibre systems: Applications to cellular biology and quality control of computed tomography" Juli 2011 - Betreuer: Prof. Schmidt
  • Ralf Thiedmann, "New approaches to stochastic image segmentation and modeling of complex microstructures: Applications to the analysis of advanced materials" Juli 2011 - Betreuer: Prof. Schmidt
  • Daniel Meschenmoser, "Functional limit theorems for certain intrinsic volumes of excursion sets of random fields" März 2011 - Betreuer: Prof. Spodarev
  • Jonas Rumpf, "Statistical models for geographically referenced data: Applications in tropical cyclone modelling and dialectology", Mai 2010 - Betreuer: Prof. Schmidt
  • Florian Voß, "Spatial stochastic network models: Scaling limits and Monte-Carlo methods", Februar 2010 - Betreuer: Prof. Schmidt
  • Stefanie Eckel, "Statistical analysis of spatial point patterns - applications to economical, biomedical and ecological data", November 2008 - Betreuer: Prof. Schmidt
  • Frank Fleischer, "Analysis and fitting of random tessellation models: Applications in telecommunication and cell biology", Mai 2007 - Betreuer: Prof. Schmidt
  • Ursa Pantle, "Asymptotic properties of estimators for random fields induced by stationary germ-grain models", Oktober 2006 - Betreuer: Prof. Schmidt & Prof. Spodarev
  • Hendrik Schmidt, "Asymptotic analysis of stationary random tessellations, with applications to network modelling", September 2006 - Betreuer: Prof. Schmidt
  • Simone Klenk, "Schätzung morphologischer Charakteristiken von binären Bilddaten", Juli 2006 - Betreuer: Prof. Schmidt & Prof. Spodarev
  • Roland Maier, "Iterated random tessellations, with applications to spatial modelling of telecommunication networks", Juli 2003 - Betreuer: Prof. Schmidt
  • Stephan Böhm, "Asymptotische Signifikanztests für stationare zufällige Mengen und ihre Anwendung bei der Untersuchung der Grundwasserbeschaffenheit in Baden-Württemberg", Juli 2003 - Betreuer: Prof. Schmidt
  • Sabine Schlegel, "Asymptotics of stochastic networks, risk and fluid models in the presence of heavy tails", September 1999 - Betreuer: Prof. Schmidt
  • Sven Hasenfuss, "Performance analysis of (max,+)-linear systems via Taylor series expansions", Dezember 1997 - Betreuer: Prof. Schmidt
  • Andreas Frey, "Approximation und Vergleich von stochastischen Risiko- und Bedienungsprozessen", März 1995 - Betreuer: Prof. Schmidt