Zentrale Studienberatung (central student advisory services) at Ulm University
Prospective Students
We advise and support you throughout the entire process of choosing the right degree and career:
From the first orientation ('What do I want?') to self-reflection ('What am I good at?') all the way to a well-founded study choice that feels good to you ('That's what I'll do!').
We offer general information around your application for a study programme (at Ulm University and elsewhere).
You can find targeted information on applications for specific pathways on the pages of the Zulassungsabteilung (admissions office).
Numerous events provide opportunities to inform yourself on the degree programmes that are on offer at Ulm University. The grey boxes on the right down below and also our 'Events for prospective students' page provide further information.
There are many ways to get to know Ulm University or the Botanical Garden or to experiment in groups even long before you start thinking about studying. Check out our 'Events for pupils' to see how.

Each year we visit regional and supra-regional study orientation fairs for pupils where Zentrale Studienberatung (central student advisory services), course advisors and students make themselves available to answer your questions. You can find the current dates in our events calendar.
During each autumn break (in Baden-Württemberg) pupils can sign up for taster lectures.
Every year, Ulm University hosts a study info day where all subjects introduce themselves and offer taster lectures, guided tours and hands-on activities.
Spring sees the subject-specific info sessions with detailed information on each study programme. Options for specialisation, required previous knowledge and information on how to apply are some of the topics that will be discussed.
- You can come to us for advice during your introductory phase as well as with individual questions and challenges throughout your studies.
- We are here for you if you have doubts about your studies. We understand that such doubts may have complex reasons, build up over time and sometimes lead to personally stressful situations.
We support you in making viable decisions that help you plan and organise your studies independently, all in consideration of the framework of the University, your personal goals and potentially challenging situations.
We advise and support you
- in dealing with formalities like applications for compensation for disadvantages (Nachteilsausgleich), academic leave, extension of time limits or to take a break from studying;
- with changing or dropping out of your study programme;
- with developing new perspectives, should you lose your right to examination;
- when studying with a disability/chronic illness or mental health challenges related to your studies;
- when studying with child(ren) and/or family obligations.
Master's or job, research or corporate business world?
We are here to support you with fundamental thought processes about where to take things after graduation.
We are well connected with other (career) advisory institutions and can help you find a suitable contact person. The respective course advisors, for example, can provide subject-related information while the Career Service supports you throughout your application process.

The Zentrale Studienberatung (central student advisory services)
Quick info: in person, by phone or via email (see contact details).
Walk-in consultation hours: to clarify personal concerns in short advisory conversations.
Individual consultations: these are 60-minute consultations to thoroughly discuss your concerns (appointments can also be arranged outside of consultation hours).
Group consultations: in the format of decision trainings, workshops on study choice, time management and teaching methods.
Online consultation: if you live further away, are currently overseas or prefer to stay anonymous during your consultation, you can choose to contact us via zoom.
Events: for interested pupils or prospective students and current students.
It is our aim to advise you in a way that helps you make conscious decisions and strengthens your competences. Your needs, goals and questions are our priority. We always consider your individual potentials and personal options to realise them.
We are committed to the 'NfB Quality Standards in Career Guidance'.
Our advisory services are free of charge, independent and of course subject to the duty of confidentiality.
Click here for an introduction to our team and an overview of what we do.