Visa & Residence Permit

EU Nationals

Applying for a Visa (Before the Departure to Ulm)

Students who have the nationality of one of the European Union membership states (EU-nationals) do not need a visa to enter Germany.

Applying for a Residence Permit (After Arrival in Ulm)

EU nationals do not need to apply for a residence permit. However, after arrival they have to report to the “Einwohnermeldeamt” (residence registration office) or "Bürgeramt" (citizens' office) and register their address in Germany. They should bring with them

  • passport or national identity card
  • Proof of acceptance/admission/immatriculation at the university
  • rental contract
  • so called "Wohnungsgeberbestätigung" (to be filled out and signed by the landlord or property owner of your accommodation)

The “Einwohnermeldeamt” or "Bürgeramt" will issue a "Meldebescheinigung" (residence registration certificate). They should safeguard this document, i.e. they should keep the original with their other documents in their room and carry a copy of it with their passport or ID card.

The Member States of the European Union (EU)

Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark,  Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania,  Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Hungary
