Extending Your Stay

Temporary non-degree students can be admitted to Ulm University for a period of max. 2 semesters. This status allows them not only to enroll in classes, but also to do a Bachelor or Master thesis here, but not to earn a Bachelor/Master degree from Ulm University.

Quite frequently, students decide to prolong their stay in Ulm. If you have originally been admitted for only one semester, you can easily get an extension for a second semester. All you need to do is:

  • Log into Mobility-Online and request the extension.
  • The International Office of Ulm University will contact your home institution.
  • If your home institution approves your extension, you will receive an admission letter for the extension period via mobility-online.
  • You then have to prepare a new learning agreement and list all the new courses and modules for the extension period as "added".
    • Erasmus+ and SEMP Students: Please use the form "During the Mobility" provided by your home university
    • Exchange Students and Free Mover: You may use our learning agreement modifications form
  • Have the new learning agreement signed by the responsible person at your home university and
    • the departmental Erasmus+ coordinator (Erasmus+ and SEMP Students)
    • the student advisor (Fachstudienberater) (Exchange Students and Free Mover)
  • Upload the new learning agreement to Mobility-Online.
  • Re-register for the new semester by paying the semester fee (see FAQs Re-registration)

In case your home university needs a specific form to be signed to confirm the approval of the extension, we will make out this form after the steps described above have been completed.

If your extension of admission has been approved, we can also inform Studentenwerk, that you are allowed to extend your stay in a student residence. If you started the extension procedure at an early point, there is a good chance that your room has not yet been rented out to a new student. In case you finish the procedures late, you may have to move to another room or even another residence. In case all rooms are booked out, you will have to find private accommodation yourself.

Please kindly understand that we cannot approve the extension of your room before the other formalities have been completed!

  • Contact your home institution and ask them to send an email to freemover(at)uni-ulm.de to inform us, if they approve of your extension.
  • If your home institution approves your extension, you will receive an admission letter for the extension period via eMail.
  • You then have to prepare a new learning agreement and list all the new courses and modules for the extension period as "added".
    • Erasmus+ and SEMP Students: Please use the form "During the Mobility" provided by your home university
    • Exchange Students and Free Mover: You may use our learning agreement modifications form
  • Have the new learning agreement signed by the responsible person at your home university and
    • the departmental Erasmus+ coordinator (Erasmus+ and SEMP Students)
    • the student advisor (Fachstudienberater) (Exchange Students and Free Mover)
  • Submit the new learning agreement to freemover(at)uni-ulm.de.
  • Re-register for the new semester by paying the semester fee (see FAQs Re-registration)