Applying to Study Abroad @ Ulm University as Erasmus+ and SEMP Students (SMS)

Nomination and Application Periods

  Nomination Application

Fall Semester ("Wintersemester")
Exchange Period starting in September/October

1 - 30 April 1 - 15 May

Spring Semester ("Sommersemester")
Exchange Period starting in March/April

1 - 31 October 1 - 15 November

Nomination and Application Procedure

All students  must first apply to their home institution and be selected in an official application procedure.

Selected students have to be nominated by their home institution online via our mobility-online portal. Log-in information is provided in our "call for nominations" which we send out in March and September.

Once students have been nominated online, they will receive an eMail with a registration link for our mobility-online portal.

Application Documents

Transcript of Records (ERASMUS)

A transcript of records is a listing of all courses you have taken at your university up to date, including course title, credits and grade of the courses. You must submit an official document, issued/verified by your university or faculty.

If you already have a university degree (e.g. Bachelor or Master), please submit a copy of your diploma of this degree. In addition, please submit a transcript of records listing all courses which you have taken since completion of this degree.

Study Proposal (Erasmus+ SMS)

All students participating in the Erasmus+ programme are required to sign a Learning Agreement for Studies with their home university and their host university before starting the mobility. However, these forms are rather complicated and it makes sense to fill them out and have them signed only after all the detailes of the study programme have been agreed by all parties.

For the purpose of application and admission we ask incoming students to fill out our study proposal forms. The International Office will forward these forms to the Erasmus+ Departmental Coordinators and/or the Incoming Student Advisors. They will check your proposals and provide you with feedback. If you are accepted, we will upload the signed form along with instructions on how to complete the Erasmus+ Learning Agreement for Studies on Mobility Online.

We have two different types of Study Proposals, each of them consisting of two separate forms:

There are two diffent types of study proposals, each of them consisting of two separate forms:

    For medical students: Proposal of Courses - Proposal of Clinical Electives
    For all other students: Proposal of Courses - Proposal of Final Thesis / Project

You must always fill out one of these forms; a combination of both forms is possible.
Information about our study offers and academic advisors is available from our website:

Please check out our Study Offers. You will also find contact information for our departmental coordinators and international student advisors on these pages.

Notice to medical students:
It is possible to combine so-called Blockpraktika with other courses. However, students wishing to do a final year elective for several months cannot combine it with any other course (also no language courses), because hospital assignments are full time. Moreover, we do not offer projects / thesis supervision for medical students. Please also note that Blockpraktika do include theory in one and practice in another semester. Thus, you can only take both theory and practice if you stay for a full year. In addition, Blockpraktika of the same type (e.g. Internal Medicine) can only be taken once per semester.

Certificate of Language Proficiency

Certificate of Language Proficiency

This form must be signed/validated either by

  • the Erasmus/Exchange coordinator of your home university or
  • a language teacher of your home university or
  • an official institution, as e.g. Goethe-Institute (confirmations by private teachers are not considered valid!)

If you are planning to take courses in both, English and German, you must submit confirmation of sufficient command in both languages. If the same person will sign for both languages, you need to fill out only one form. If different people will sign for each language, you must fill out two forms.

Housing Application (ERASMUS)

If you have indicated that you want the International Office to make a reservation for a room in one of the student residences for you, you must also fill the Housing application in Mobility Online.


Incoming Students Support Team

Advising (online)

By appointment.

Please send an eMail to

No Handwriting

Use the computer to fill out all forms. Forms filled out manually will not be processed!

If PDF-forms are opened in your browser, you may not be able to fill them out electronically. Then you must save them to your computer first. If you only have Acrobat Reader, you may not be able to save the completed forms. Print out the forms immediately before closing the file.

Ulm University does not manage traineeships on the basis of Erasmus+ inter-institutional agreements.

Information for ERASMUS SMT

If your transcripts or diplomas are in a language other than German, English, French or Spanish, we kindly ask that you prepare a translation for it (either German or English).

Do not replace the  learning agreement for studies with a learning agreement for traineeships. Erasmus+ studies and Erasmus+ traineeships are two separate programmes, and we do not manage traineeships on the basis of Erasmus+ inter-institutional agreements.

Do not send the official Erasmus+ learning agreement forms with your application. At this stage of the process, we will only work with the study proposal forms. You should fill out and submit the Erasmus+ learning agreement form only after you have been accepted and your selection of "educational components" has been finalized!

  • We expect students to have at least level B2 in the language of instruction / working language.
  • Students who have only level B1 in German at the time of application may be accepted under the condition that they participate in the Intensive German Language Course prior to the beginning of their studies (September / March)
  • Students wishing to do practical work in a hospital (elective/clerkship/rotation) must prove that they have min. level B2 in German at the time of application.

For detailed information see Language Issues

Non-EU nationals coming in the framework of an exchange or mobility programme from a EU partner university for studies also need to submit proof of subsistence / financial resources (see here for instructions).

Ideally, these documents should be received together with the other application documents at the application deadline, but it is acceptable if they are submitted up to four weeks later. Yet, they must reach us at least two months before the date on which you plan to start your studies in Germany.