Congratulations to PhD Defence for Katrin Plaumann Monday, 8 November 2021 | Hybrid event published at : 01. December 2021
Contratulations to PhD degree - Dennis Wolf Wednesday, 14th July 2021, 14:15 | Video conference published at : 16. July 2021
PhD exposition/Hirzle, T.: "Digital Eye Strain in Virtual Reality Head-Mounted Displays: Analysing Severity, Prevalence, and Alleviation Approaches" Introduction of a dissertation project | Monday, 26th July 2021, 12:00 | Video conference published at : 02. July 2021
Publications at CHI 2021 Conference The research group 'human computer interaction' has contributed five publications and a workshop positional paper to the CHI 2021… published at : 01. June 2021
„The Social Engineer“ nominated for Deutschen Computerspielpreis (German Computer Game Award) Virtual Reality game by Fabian Fischbach, Pascal Jansen (Research Group Human-Computer Interaction) and Daniel Hirschle published at : 15. April 2021
Contratulations to PhD degree - Philipp Hock Wednesday 24th March 2021, 3pm/online published at : 25. March 2021
Thijs Roumen: Portable Laser Cutting - HCI Research Colloquium Thijs Roumen from HPI is giving a virtual guest talk on portable laser cutting. 23.2.2021, 14:00 via WebEx Events. published at : 23. February 2021
PhD exposition/Haas, G. : "Exploring the Potential of Computer-mediated Auditory Interaction" Introduction of a dissertation project | Tuesday, 19th January 2020, 14:00 | Video conference published at : 21. December 2020
CHI Play 2020 Student Game Design Competition Audience Choice Award to Fabian Fischbach und Pascal Jansen published at : 19. November 2020
PhD exposition/Wolf, D. : "Overcoming Challenges of Controller-Based and Controller-Less Interaction in Cross-Reality" Introduction of a dissertation project | Wednesday, 9th December 2020, 10:00 | Video conference published at : 11. November 2020
Team Funding Partners Publications Awards Projects Topics for bachelor and master theses German Pre-CHI Event 2022