News of the Institute of Media Informatics

Prof. Dr Hans Gellersen - Research Colloquium and Visit

Ulm University

Gaze and Eye Movement in Human-Computer Interaction | Talk, 10 July 2023, 12:15 | O28/1002

Prof. Rukzio has invited Prof. Dr Hans Gellersen, Lancaster University & Aarhus University, to give a scientific talk about Thema Gaze and Eye Movement in Human-Computer Interaction.

Abstract: Where we look not only reflects our information needs, but also guides our movements and actions in the world. As gaze is so central to our interactions, it has been studied for human-computer interaction (HCI) for as long as we have had modern computer interfaces. However, in decades of research, the approach has been to isolate eye movement as input, and to treat it as separate from other movements of the body that we use for interaction with computers. In this talk I will highlight how closely the movement of our eyes is coupled with other movement, of objects in the visual field, and the movement of our hands, head and body, and discuss examples of novel interfaces that leverage eye movement in concert with other motion and modalities.

About Prof. Dr Gellersen: Hans Gellersen is Professor of Interactive Systems at Lancaster University and Aarhus University. Hans' research interest is in sensors and devices for ubiquitous computing and human-computer interaction. He has worked on systems that blend physical and digital interaction, methods that infer context and human activity, and techniques that facilitate spontaneous interaction across devices. In his recent work, he is focussing on multimodal interaction techniques that leverage gaze and eye movement, supported by a prestigious ERC Advanced Grant awarded by the European Research Council (

Prof. Gellersen will also visit the research group human-computer interaction to discuss current and future research projects.