German Pre-CHI 2022
6-7 April 2022 at Ulm University
Inspired by the Scottish tradition of meeting researchers from all over Scotland shortly before going to CHI, this tradition was brought by Offis (Oldenburg) to Germany to bring the German HCI community and friends closer together. The idea of the German Pre-CHI Event is to provide an opportunity for researchers from Germany to present their accepted CHI papers and discuss them in a smaller circle. Additionally, it provides an excellent opportunity for younger researchers to get a taste of the quality of work presented at CHI and network with other peers, as well as senior researchers. Therefore, everyone from students to professors interested in HCI is welcome.
The event is taking place over two days and includes paper talks, poster/demo sessions, coffee breaks, lunch and lots of informal discussions. We are planning to have several paper sessions, in which young researchers will present their paper talks. After each presentation we will have a discussion session, which will include the "usual" CHI discussion, but also comments and suggestions on presentation style, slides, etc. in order to optimally prepare you for a (potential) in-person presentation at CHI. There will also be an informal session where late-breaking works and demos can be presented and discussed.

We are happy to be able to organize the German Pre-CHI 2022 as an onsite event.
The German Pre-CHI 2022 will be located in building O28 at Ulm University (Google Maps, PDF, Campus Navigator). We suggest to use public transport to drive to the venue. You should leave the tram or bus at Universität Süd, Ulm.
Day 1 (April 06)
09:00-10:00 Registration & Setting up Poster and Demos
10:00-10:15 Welcome & House Keeping
10:15-12:00 Voice, Emotions and Social Aspects (Session Chair: Mark Colley)
- "I Didn't Catch That, But I'll Try My Best": Anticipatory Error Handling in a Voice Controlled Game
Nima Zargham, Johannes Pfau, Tobias Schnackenberg, Rainer Malaka
University of Bremen - Keep it Short: A Comparison of Voice Assistants' Response Behavior
Gabriel Haas1, Michael Rietzler1, Matt Jones2, Enrico Rukzio1
1Ulm University, 2Swansea University - Mood Worlds: A Virtual Environment for Autonomous Emotional Expression
Nadine Wagener1, Jasmin Niess2, Yvonne Rogers3, Johannes Schöning2
1University of Bremen, 2University of St. Gallen, 3UCL Interaction Centre - Proxemics for Human-Agent Interaction in Augmented Reality
Ann Huang1, Pascal Knierim1, Francesco Chiossi1, Lewis L Chuang2, Robin Welsch1
1LMU Munich, 2TU Chemnitz - User Perceptions of Extraversion in Chatbots after Repeated Use
Sarah Völkel, Ramona Schödel, Lale Kaya, Sven Mayer
LMU Munich
12:00-13:00 Lunch (Food vouchers are valid for "Mensa" and "Burger Bar")
13:00-14:30 Augmentation and Interaction in the Wild (Session Chair: Anke Huckauf)
- BikeAR: Understanding Cyclists' Crossing Decision-Making at Uncontrolled Intersections using Augmented Reality
Andrii Matviienko, Florian Müller, Dominik Schön, Paul Seesemann, Sebastian Günther, Max Mühlhäuser
TU Darmstadt - Remote VR Studies - A Framework For Running Virtual Reality Studies Remotely Via Participant-Owned HMDs
Radiah Rivu1, Ville Mäkelä2, Sarah Prange1, Sarah Delgado Rodriguez1, Robin Piening3, Yumeng Zhou3, Kay Köhle3, Ken Pfeuffer1, Yomna Abdelrahman1, Matthias Hoppe3, Albrecht Schmidt3, Florian Alt1
1Bundeswehr University Munich, 2University of Waterloo, Bundeswehr University Munich, 3LMU Munich - Effects of Pedestrian Behavior, Time Pressure, and Repeated Exposure on Crossing Decisions in Front of Automated Vehicles Equipped with External Communication
Mark Colley, Elvedin Bajrovic, Enrico Rukzio
Ulm University - Pet-Robot or Appliance? Care Home Residents with Dementia Respond to a Zoomorphic Floor Washing Robot
Emanuela Marchetti1, Sophie Grimme2, Eva Hornecker2, Avgi Kollakidou 3, Philipp Graf 4
1SDU Syddansk Universitet, 2Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, 3University of Southern Denmark, 4Chemnitz Technical University
14:30-15:00 Coffee Break
15:00-16:30 Virtual Reality (Session Chair: Patrizia Di Campli San Vito)
- SkyPort: Investigating 3D Teleportation Methods in Virtual Environments
Andrii Matviienko, Florian Müller, Martin Schmitz, Marco Fendrich, Max Mühlhäuser
TU Darmstadt - Reducing Virtual Reality Sickness for Cyclists in VR Bicycle Simulators
Andrii Matviienko, Florian Müller, Marcel Zickler, Lisa Alina Gasche, Julia Abels, Till Steinert, Max Mühlhäuser
TU Darmstadt - There Is No First- or Third-Person View in Virtual Reality: Understanding the Perspective Continuum
Matthias Hoppe1, Andrea Baumann1, Patrick Tamunjoh1, Tonja-Katrin Machulla3, Paweł W. Woźniak3, Albrecht Schmidt1, Robin Welsch1
1LMU Munich, 2TU Dortmund, 3Chalmers University of Technology - VRception: Rapid Prototyping of Cross-Reality Systems in Virtual Reality
Uwe Gruenefeld1, Jonas Auda1, Florian Mathis2, Stefan Schneegass1, Mohamed Khamis3, Jan Gugenheimer4, Sven Mayer5
1University of Duisburg-Essen, 2University of Glasgow / University of Edinburgh, 3University of Glasgow, 4Institut Polytechnique de Paris, 5LMU Munich
16:30-19:30 Demos & Posters & Pizza & Drinks
Poster (Poster Chairs: Evgeny Stemasov, Tobias Drey):
- A Model of Interaction Fidelity in VR (Michael Bonfert)
- Accessibility-Related Publication Distribution in HCI Based on a Meta-Analysis [CHI LBW] (Mark Colley, Taras Kränzle, Enrico Rukzio)
- E-ScootAR: Exploring Unimodal Warnings for E-Scooter Riders in Augmented Reality [CHI LBW] (Andrii Matviienko, Florian Müller,Dominik Schön, Régis Fayard, Salar Abaspur, Yi Li, Max Mühlhäuser)
- Gaze-Assisted Scalable Interaction in Online Learning (Anke Huckauf, Enrico Rukzio, Marian Sauter, Teresa Hirzle, Tobias Wagner, Wee Kiat Lau, Susanne Hummel, Johannes Träg)
- "I Want It That Way': Exploring Users' Customization and Personalization Preferences for Home Assistants [CHI 2022 LBW] (Nima Zargham, Dmitry Alexandrovsky, Jan Erich, Nina Wenig, Rainer Malaka)
- If The Map Fits! Exploring Minimaps as Distractors from Non-Euclidean Spaces in Virtual Reality [CHI LBW] (Jonas Auda, Uwe Gruenefeld, Stefan Schneegass)
- On Appropriation and Nostalgic Reminiscence of Technology [CHI LBW] (Fatemeh Alizadeh, Aikaterini Mniestri, Alarith Uhde, Gunnar Stevens)
- TempSeat: Investigating the Suitability of a Heated Car Seat for Feedback Purposes [CHI LBW] (Patrizia Di Campli San Vito, Stephen Brewster)
- Towards Implicit Interaction in Highly Automated Vehicles (Annika Stampf)
- "Where did you first meet the owner?'' -- Exploring Usable Authentication for Smart Home Visitors [CHI LBW] (Sarah Prange, Sarah Delgado Rodriguez, Timo Döding, Florian Alt)
Demos (Demo Chairs: Tobias Drey, Evgeny Stemasov):
Demo Area (opposite H22):
- CHI by the Sword: Experience the Perspective Continuum between 1st- and 3rd Person Perspective by battling Skeletons in a VRswordFighter game (Andrea Baumann, Matthias Hoppe, Tonja Machulla, Paweł W. Woźniak, Albrecht Schmidt, Robin Welsch)
- Individual Spatial Abilities and VR Object Manipulation (Tobias Drey, Josef Lang)
- ShARe: Enabling co-located asymmetric multi-user interaction for augmented reality head-mounted displays (Pascal Jansen, Fabian Fischbach, Jan Gugenheimer, Evgeny Stemasov, Julian Frommel, Enrico Rukzio)
- SwiVR-Car-Seat: Exploring Vehicle Motion Effects on Interaction Quality in Virtual Reality Automated Driving Using a Motorized Swivel Seat (Mark Colley, Pascal Jansen, Enrico Rukzio, Jan Gugenheimer)
- The Social Engineer: An Immersive Virtual Reality Educational Game to Raise Social Engineering Awareness (Pascal Jansen, Fabian Fischbach)
HCI Lab (guided tours at 17:00 and 18:00, starting at entrace of H22):
- VRSketchIn: Exploring the Design Space of Pen and Tablet Interaction for 3D Sketching in Virtual Reality (Tobias Drey, Jan Gugenheimer, Julian Karlbauer, Maximilian Milo, Enrico Rukzio)
- Machine Learning-Based Detection of Thermal Comfort Level (Albin Zeqiri, Mark Colley, Sebastian Hartwig)
VisCom Lab (guided tours at 17:30 and 18:30, starting at entrace of H22):
- Match-3 Monster: A big sized Touchwall Game for Physical Activity, Player Acceptance, Experience, and Performance (Jana Funke, Michael Wolf)
- Towards Collaborative Learning in Virtual Reality: A Comparison of Co-Located Symmetric and Asymmetric Pair-Learning (Tobias Drey, Patrick Albus, Simon der Kinderen, Maximilian Milo, Thilo Segschneider, Linda Chanzab, Michael Rietzler, Tina Seufert, Enrico Rukzio)
19:30 Heading to town (Kelly's Irish Pub Ulm)
Day 2 (April 07)
09:00 - 10:45 Novel and Challenging Displays and Interactions (Session Chair: Andrii Matviienko)
- Accessibility for Color Vision Deficiencies: Challenges and Findings of a Large Scale Study on Paper Figures
Katrin Angerbauer, Nils Rodrigues, Rene Cutura, Seyda Öney, Nelusa Pathmanathan, Cristina Morariu, Daniel Weiskopf, Michael Sedlmair
University of Stuttgart - STRAIDE: A Research Platform for Shape-Changing Spatial Displays based on Actuated Strings
Severin Engert, Konstantin Klamka, Andreas Peetz, Raimund Dachselt
Technische Universität Dresden - Towards Collaborative Learning in Virtual Reality: A Comparison of Co-Located Symmetric and Asymmetric Pair-Learning
Tobias Drey, Patrick Albus, Simon der Kinderen, Maximilian Milo, Thilo Segschneider, Linda Chanzab, Michael Rietzler, Tina Seufert, Enrico Rukzio
Ulm University - Where Should We Put It? Layout and Placement Strategies of Documents in Augmented Reality for Collaborative Sensemaking
Weizhou Luo, Anke Lehmann, Hjalmar Widengren, Raimund Dachselt
Technische Universität Dresden - German HCI discussion (Susanne Boll)
10:45 - 11:15 Coffee Break
11:15 - 13:00 Haptics and Personal Fabrication (Session Chair: Markus Funk) & Closing
- Smooth as Steel Wool: Effects of Visual Stimuli on the Haptic Perception of Roughness in Virtual Reality
Sebastian Günther1, Julian Rasch2, Dominik Schön1, Florian Müller2, Martin Schmitz1, Jan Riemann1, Andrii Matviienko1, Max Mühlhäuser1
1Technical University of Darmstadt, 2LMU Munich / Technical University of Darmstadt - Haptic Fidelity Framework: Defining the Factors of Realistic Haptic Feedback for Virtual Reality
Thomas Muender, Michael Bonfert,Anke Verena Reinschluessel, Rainer Malaka, Tanja Döring
University of Bremen - Print-A-Sketch: A Handheld Printer for Physical Sketching of Circuits and Sensors on Everyday Surfaces
Narjes Pourjafarian, Marion Koelle, Fjolla Mjaku, Paul Strohmeier, Jürgen Steimle
Saarland University - ShapeFindAR: Exploring In-Situ Spatial Search for Physical Artifact Retrieval using Mixed Reality
Evgeny Stemasov1, Tobias Wagner1, Jan Gugenheimer2, Enrico Rukzio1
1Ulm University, 2Institut Polytechnique de Paris
13:00 - 13:45 Lunch (Food vouchers are valid for "Mensa" and "Burger Bar")
Ulm offers a large variety of hotels. We suggest the following ones (prices are for one person for one night):
- IntercityHotel (105-140€)
- Ulmer Spatz (87-95€)
- Hotel zum Bäumle (70-85€)
- ibis budget Ulm City (60€)
- Pension Lehrer Tal (44-89€)
Participation is free of charge. However, travel and accommodation costs are self-paid.
Current Covid-19 Measures
The German Pre-CHI 2022 event will follow the Covid-19 Measures of Ulm University and we will have many measurements in place to make our event safe:
- We urge participants to test themselves before taking part in the German Pre-CHI 2022 (e.g. by means of a rapid antigen test).
- We strongly encourage participants to test themselves in the morning of the second day. Some rapid antigen tests are available for free at the registration desk.
- We suggest that only persons who fulfil the 2G requirement (recovered or vaccinated) attend the German Pre-CHI 2022.
- We ask you to wear an FFP2 mask or a medical mask to protect yourself and others from infection.
- The established hygiene measures and distance rules should continue to be observed.
- Persons with symptoms similar to COVID or who are in quarantine are not allowed to enter the university.
Local Arrangements Chair: Sigrid Duschek
Registration Chairs: Annika Stampf and Jana Funke and Mark Colley
Poster and Demo Chairs: Evgeny Stemasov and Tobias Drey
Technical Assistance Chairs: Ali Askari, Jan Henry Belz, Luca Maxim Meinhart, Pascal Jansen, Tobias Wagner
Social Media Chair: Jan Ole Rixen
Social Event Chair: Mark Colley
General Chair: Enrico Rukzio