
Biophysics - Master of Science (M.Sc.)

Biophysics is a very exciting and rapidly expanding research field exploring new areas between physics and biology. The complexity of life is investigated at every level and analysed with physical methods. Physics helps understanding the mechanisms underlying the most basics biological systems and interactions. 

Society is facing physical and biological problems of global proportions where Biophysics can be involved to find solutions.    

  • How will we continue to get sufficient energy?    
  • How can we feed the world’s population?   
  • How do we remediate global warming?   
  • How do we preserve biological diversity?
  • How do we secure clean and plentiful water?


Art des Studiums

Master of Science (M.Sc.)

  • Vollzeit

Informationen zum Studienplan

Informationen zur Bewerbung

Informationen für Bewerber


weiterführende Informationen

  • Start jeweils zum Wintersemester
  • englisch
  • keine Zulassungsbeschränkung
ECTS credit points


Regelstudienzeit (in Semestern)



Worum geht es in diesem Studiengang?

The aim of this Master programme is to

  • provide a comprehensive education and hands-on research in modern biophysics,
  • prepare students for the interdisciplinary nature of modern-day Life Sciences,
  • train the students in quantitative thinking and in state-of-the-art experimental techniques close to current research.

Students enrolling in the two-year Master programme may choose in addition to core lectures in Biophysics, specialisation courses from the vast offer of Life Sciences departments, such as in Chemistry and Biochemistry, Molecular Medicine and Biology. During the second year, students have the opportunity to carry out research at the academic level by completing two indipendent research projects. Our programme offers a highly flexible choice of subjects and the course syllabus is intimately connected to the ongoing research within the Life Sciences at our university. 


  • Scope of the program: Scientific principles, experimental research, analytical methods and applications in the interdisciplinary fields of biophysics
  • Emphasis on lab work: Students get trained in conducting scientific experiments, recording and analyzing experimental data. Lab courses deal with modern techniques in life sciences and state-of-the-art experiments close to current academic research.
  • Independent research project: For completion of the program students work independently on an experimental master´s thesis project in an area/institute of their choice.
  • Multidisciplinarity: The master program aims at getting together students, teachers and researchers from different disciplines in natural sciences.

 Educational requirements to be met by future students:

  • Solid undergraduate education in mathematics and physics or biology and chemistry.
  • Willingness to close potential gaps in basic knowledge in mathematics and natural sciences. Students will attend demanding intensive courses that summarize basics and lead to advanced topics fast.
  • Willingness to actively participate in classes, labs and seminars.
  • Social skills to live and study in a multicultural, scientifically and personally stimulating environment.

How to Apply

Start of application period 1st April
Application Deadline

15th May

Start of the programme October

This is how you apply:

Step 1: Registration in the campus portal of Ulm University
You register online via "My personal campus portal" (link available here during the application phase).
After self-registration, you will receive an e-mail with the activation code and a request to confirm your personal account in the campus portal of Ulm University.

Step 2: Application in the campus portal of Ulm University
You submit your application via "My personal campus portal" and upload the required documents.

For further information on the entry requirements and the necessary application documents, please consult the page of the admission department  for the Biophysics Master: here

If you need assistance to complete the form, please read the file: "How to complete the subject-specific Form"

It is very important that the form is filled correctly with information on the grading system at your university as well as information on the courses you attended. If the application form is not filled properly, your application may be rejected.


if you have a Bachelor's thesis, a final project report or you already published some scientific articles, please upload evidence about this together with the subject-specific form. 

Graduates of the Ulm University with a B. Sc. in Physics or Econophysics, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Biology and Molecular Medicine, should use the application form "Antrag auf Studiengangwechsel / Umschreibung vom Bachelor in den Master" and bring it to the Studiensekretariat together with a letter of motivation. For more information please read here.

Professional Prospects

A wide range of careers are open to biophysicist given their broad interdisciplinary training:

  • Research and development positions in government and private research institutes or industry
  • Scientific and technological areas: molecular biophysics and biology, pharmaceutical biotechnology, spectroscopic methods, computational modelling, healthcare sector, quality control, developments of designs, methos and technologies in Life Sciences
  • Specialized applications such development and test of new products and processes.

  • PhD in Germany and all over the world
  • Teaching
  • Research

Campus life

The International Office and Studierendenwerk Ulm provide a broad range of advising and assistance services for international students, from housing service, canteen, tandem programmes and so on. Please have a look at the links below for more information on the services provided.

Fees The government has introduced tuition fees for students from outside the European Union starting their study in Baden-Württemberg from winter semester 2017/18. This means that non-EU students starting in 2017 or later need to pay 1,500 Euro per semester.
Living Expenses
  1. Administrative fee: ~ 160 € each semester
  2. Health insurance: ~ 80 € each month
  3. Rent: approximally 300 € each month
  4. Public transportation (semester ticket): ~ 120 € each semester
  5. General cost of living (depending on the lifestyle): 400 € each month
For a more detailed overview, please consult this page.
Financial Assistance Ulm University does not provide scholarships for incoming students. Please check the DAAD Website.
Proof of financial resources Many German embassies require students to prove that they dispose of a specific amount of money (approx. 8000 €) on a German bank account before a visa will be issued. Please inquire at the German embassy in your country for specific requirements.