
  • Mobile Systeme, Ubiquitous Computing
  • Ad-Hoc-Netze, insbesondere Fahrzeug-Fahrzeug-Kommunikation
  • Sicherheit in Fahrzeugnetzen (VANETs)
  • Simulation von Ad-Hoc-Netzen





  • Im Anschluss weitere Lehraufträge für die Fakultät für Informatik, Institut für Verteilte Systeme
  • WS 2011/12 (Lehrauftrag)
    Vorlesung Sicherheit in IT-Systemen
  • WS 2010/11 (Lehrauftrag)
    Vorlesung Sicherheit in IT-Systemen
  • WS 2009/10
    Seminar Research Trends in Media Informatics
  • WS 2008/09
    Seminar Sichere Fahrzeug-Fahrzeugkommunikation
  • SS 2008
    Vorlesung/Übungen Mobile und Ubiquitous Computing
  • WS 2007/08
    Vorlesung/Übungen Sicherheit in IT-Systemen
  • SS 2007
    Vorlesung/Übungen Mobile und Ubiquitous Computing
    Seminar Vehicle Communication and Cooperation
  • WS 2006/07
    Vorlesung/Übungen Sicherheit in IT-Systemen
  • SS 2006
    Vorlesung/Übungen Mobile und Ubiquitous Computing
  • WS 2005/06
    Vorlesung/Übungen Web-Engineering


Elmar Schoch
Secure Communication in Inter-Vehicle Networks

ISBN: 978-3-86853-271-5
Dr. Hut Verlag, 2009

Erhältlich u.a. beim Verlag


Lehrbeauftragter (ab 2010)

Ehem. Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (bis 2010)


Elmar Schoch

Weitere Informationen

Private Website

Conference & Workshop Papers


  • Elmar Schoch, Boto Bako, Stefan Dietzel, Frank Kargl
    Dependable and Secure Geocast for VANETs
    7th ACM International Workshop on VehiculAr Inter-NETworking (VANET 2010),
    Chicago, IL, USA, September 2010 (to appear)
  • Elmar Schoch, Frank Kargl
    On the Efficiency of Secure Beaconing in VANETs
    3rd ACM Conference on Wireless Network Security (WiSec 2010)
    Hoboken, NJ, USA, March 2010
  • Stefan Dietzel, Frank Kargl, Elmar Schoch, Michael Weber
    Sicherheit und Datenschutz bei Datenaggregation in Fahrzeug-Fahrzeug-Netzen
    VDI/VDE-GMA-Expertenforum "Verteilte Messsysteme 2010"
    Braunschweig, Germany, March 2010


  • Stefan Dietzel, Boto Bako, Elmar Schoch, Frank Kargl
    A Fuzzy Logic based Approach for Structure-free Aggregation in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks
    6th ACM International Workshop on VehiculAr Inter-NETworking (VANET 2009)
    Bejing, China, September 2009
  • Stefan Dietzel, Elmar Schoch, Boto Bako, Frank Kargl
    A Structure-Free Aggregation Framework for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
    6th International Workshop on Intelligent Transportation (WIT 2009)
    Hamburg, Germany, March 2009


  • Boto Bako, Elmar Schoch, Frank KarglMichael Weber
    Advanced Adaptive Gossiping Using 2-Hop Neighborhood Information
    IEEE Globecom 2008 Wireless Networking Symposium (GC'08 WN)
    New Orleans, USA, December 2008
  • Tim Leinmüller, Robert K. Schmidt, Elmar Schoch, Albert Held and Günter Schäfer
    Modeling Roadside Attacker Behavior in VANETs
    3rd IEEE Workshop on Automotive Networking and Applications (AutoNet 2008)
    New Orleans, LA, USA, December 4, 2008
  • Frank Kargl, Elmar Schoch, Zhendong Ma
    Aktuelle Trends in der sicheren Fahrzeug-Fahrzeug-Kommunikation
    WMAN 2008 - KuVS Fachgespräch, Ulmer Informatikberichte 2008-06
    Ulm, April 2008





  • Christian Maihöfer, Reinhold Eberhardt, Elmar Schoch
    CGGC: Cached Greedy Geocast
    Conference on Wired/Wireless Internet Communication (WWIC 2004)
    Frankfurt (Oder), Germany, 2004,

Journal Papers

  • Robert K. Schmidt, Tim Leinmüller, Elmar Schoch, Frank Kargl, Günter Schäfer
    Exploration of Adaptive Beaconing for Efficient Intervehicle Safety Communication
    IEEE Network (to appear)
  • P. Papadimitratos, L. Buttyan, T. Holczer, E. Schoch, J. Freudiger, M. Raya, Z. Ma, F. Kargl, A. Kung, and J.-P. Hubaux
    Secure Vehicular Communications: Design and Architecture
    IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 46, No. 11 (November 2008)
  • F. Kargl, P. Papadimitratos, L. Buttyan, M. Müter, B. Wiedersheim, E. Schoch, T.-V. Thong, G. Calandriello, A. Held, A. Kung, and J.-P. Hubaux
    Secure Vehicular Communications: Implementation, Performance, and Research Challenges
    IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 46, No. 11 (November 2008)
  • Elmar Schoch, Moritz Keppler, Frank Kargl, Michael Weber
    On the Security of Context-Adaptive Information Dissemination
    Security and Communication Networks, Vol. 1 (3), Wiley & Sons
  • F. Kargl, E. Schoch, M. Weber
    Security for Inter-Vehicular Communication Mechanisms: What is next?
    in: P. Papadimitratos and J.-P. Hubaux, "Report on the 'Secure Vehicular Communications: Results and Challenges Ahead' Workshop,"
    ACM Mobile Computing and Communications Review (MC2R), Vol. 12, No. 2, April 2008
  • Tim Leinmüller, Elmar Schoch, Frank Kargl
    Position Verification Approaches for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
    IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, Special Issue on Inter-Vehicular Communications, 2006

Books/Book Chapters

  • Elmar Schoch
    Modeling Security
    in: Klaus Wehrle, Mesut Günes, James Gross,
    Modeling and Tools for Network Simulation,
    Springer Verlag, 2010, ISBN 978-3-642-12330-6
  • Elmar Schoch
    Secure Communication in Inter-Vehicle Networks
    in: Steffen Hölldobler et al.
    Ausgezeichnete Informatikdissertationen 2009
    Köllen Verlag, 2010, ISBN 978-3-88579-414-2

Poster & Demo Papers

  • Frank Kargl, Elmar Schoch, Björn Wiedersheim, Tim Leinmüller
    Secure and Efficient Beaconing for Vehicular Networks
    The Fifth ACM International Workshop on VehiculAr Inter-NETworking (VANET 2008),
    San Francisco, CA, USA
  • Elmar Schoch, Frank Kargl, Fabian Wolf, Michael Weber
    U2VAS: A Research Communication Stack for Vehicular Networks
    The 2nd IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Vehicular Communications (WiVec 2008),
    Calgary, Canada, September 2008
  • Frank Egle, Tim Leinmüller, Michael Schäfer, Elmar Schoch
    Secure Multi-Hop Ad Hoc Connectivity to Fixed Networks
    15th IST Mobile & Wireless Communications Summit
    Myconos, Greece, 2006
