Enrico Rukzio is a Full Professor of Human-Computer Interaction, the head of the Human-Computer-Interaction group, and director of the Institute for Media Research and Media Development at Ulm University.
He is interested in designing intelligent interactive systems that enable people to be more efficient, satisfied, safe, sustainable, and expressive in their daily lives. His research focuses on designing, implementing, and evaluating novel interaction concepts in areas such as
- automotive user interfaces and novel mobility concepts
- democratizing personal fabrication
- gaze-based interfaces and using gaze for implicit interactions
- extended and mixed reality interactions and applications
- health-supporting interfaces and digital wellbeing
- interactive educational systems
- supporting persons with mental health conditions and people with visual impairments
- sustainability through interaction
Enrico regularly serves as a program committee member / associate chair / associate editor for conferences and journals (e.g., ACM Multimedia, Augmented Human, AutomotiveUI, CHI, MobileHCI, MUM, Percom, TEI, Ubicomp/IMWUT, or UIST) and regularly reviews for various funding bodies (e.g. BMBF, BMK, BMVIT, CDG, DAAD, DFG, EC, EPRC, ERC, Fulbright, FWF, NWO, or SNF). Since 2024 he is a member of the review board for computer science of the German Research Foundation (DFG).
He was PC Co-Chair of PerDis 2020, Conference Co-Chair of MobileHCI 2015, PC Co-Chair of MUM 2015, PC Chair of ISCT 2015, SIG Co-Chair of CHI 2015 & CHI 2014, PC Co-Chair of Mobile HCI 2013, and Conference Chair of MUM 2012.
Together with his students, he has won best and honourable paper awards at CHI, EuroVR, IEEE VR, ISWC, ITS, Mensch & Computer, MobileHCI, and MUM. His research and supervision have been funded by BMBF, BMG, BMWK, Carl Zeiss AG, Carl Zeiss Foundation, CPNI, Mercedes-Benz Group, DFG, DOCOMO Euro-Labs, EPSRC, EU, Mercator Foundation, MWK BW, Nokia, and NWDA.
At Ulm University, he served as head of the examination board (Vorsitzender des Fachprüfungsausschuss) [2013-16] and dean of studies (Studiendekan) [2017-20] for the Bachelor and Master degrees in Computer Science, Media Informatics and Software Engineering. Furthermore, he served as vice dean (Prodekan) [2018-2020] and head of the habilitation board (Habilitationsausschuss) [2019-2020] of the Faculty of Engineering, Computer Science and Psychology. He is currently chairman of the admissions committee for the Master's degree programs in Computer Science, Software Engineering, Media Informatics and Artificial Intelligence. He is also a member of the study commission for the Computer Science, Media Informatics and Software Engineering degree programmes, as well as an ombudsperson for institutionalized conflict management in the Graduate and Professional Training Center at Ulm University.
Before his current position, he was an Assistant Professor at the Ruhr Institute for Software Technology at the University of Duisburg-Essen (2010-2012) and a Lecturer at the School of Computing and Communications at Lancaster University (2006-2013). He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Munich.
Detailed lists of my publications can be found at Google Scholar, our group website, or DBLP.
Prof. Dr. Enrico Rukzio

University of Ulm
Institute for Media Informatics
Human-Computer-Interaction group
89081 Ulm
Room: O27/340