Network & Telecommunication

Head: Dipl.-Phys. Karl Gaissmaier

The network sector is responsible for planning and operating the IP-network as well as the dialin access. The network covers the complete university campus, the university outposts (Hochsträss, SciencePark and others) as well as the student dormitories which are scattered all over the city. The backbone is largely operated via fibre optics lines, the local lines are operated via copper lines (Cat 5) and additionaly wireless lan is available in many areas of the campus at the Oberer Eselsberg.

The distributed computing as well as the usage of centralised services at the university is enabled via the network. Furthermore the access to the scientifc network of Baden-Württemberg (BelWü) and the connection to the world wide web is provided.

The telecommunications sector is responsible for operating the cooperately used telephone network of the University, University Hospital, College, the Student Union as well as the state-run Property and Building Department of Ulm.

Basis for the telephone systems are 18 Alcatel-telephone systems including more than 14,000 subscriber lines which are connected via a self-sufficient IP-backbone.

A nationwide mobile phone network according to the DECT standard is integrated into the system which is available in all properties of the connected facilities. With more than 1,000 base stations this fully-enabled roaming network is one of the largest DECT-installations within Europe.

The team also operates a fax server and is responsible for handing out GSM phones.